It certainly seems to be a strange group they purport to study. They are strongly competitive but only in activities which they did not not...
It would help if they could provide evidence... to who it is that regards them as experts.
...and to specifically talk of post-accute infection syndrome without making it clear that this was originally described as a specific subset of...
This seems to be a horrible logical, linguistic and causal tangle.
How can sharing data with "bona fide researchers "be permitted if no consent was provided for sharing with third parties? Anyone not a party to...
Is it not the perpetuation of the symptoms which is characteric of ME?
Cutting edge stuff. As it has been for forty years. This was where Waddell came in. Some people who report being disabled by "low back problems"...
I was just musing on the idea that mind-body duality is probably a cultural issue, having been introduced into Christian theology by the...
It might be unwise to look forward too much to sharing results.
Have you tried getting a GP to do an "active standing test"? Or even to acknowledge the results of one conducted at home? Or to agree a protocol...
It would be helpful if they were to descibe the physiosomatic symptoms which they are comparing. Perhaps they do in the full article. Do patients...
I particularly liked this from Adler's Linked in page ...I have also honed my approach - believing that everyone has the answer inside, sometimes...
Perhaps not necessarily. I recall that Wittgenstein posited the idea of "unconscious" toothache. I forget the details and would have to look them...
Who knows...but it seems unlikely that all purported brains were fully integrated at the time of writing the book.
Isit possible to experience fear without being afraid? There seems to be far too much reification in these "studies".
Apparently Schaffner is a mBIT coach. That is multiple Brain Integration Technique if you did not know. I didn't.
I see that the book was published in 2017. We wouldn't wish long covid on either author or reviewer. Would we?
Didn't I just tell you that I will stay in my area of expertise? Well, actually, no you did not. What you said was that I prefer to stay in my...
I am surprised that they do not recommend as treatment a two week diving holiday in Grenada. There is about as much evidence for that as there is...
Whenever I see this commonly repeated mantra, I wonder whether anyone has ever read the original research of Imboden (a psychotherapist) on which...
Separate names with a comma.