I hope you all enjoy the comments in the SMC release that their experts Bloomfield and Nutt have "No declarations of interest". That may also have...
I wonder how hard they have tried to understand the complexities of the word "knowledge", and its usage. Not very, by the look of it.
Moved post The statement appears unclear. I had become unwell after two years of covid medicine and then catching covid myself. Did he become...
If there are any grandmothers out there with money in their purses, a course on how to suck eggs could be made available.
The fundamental problem with this study appears to me that it assumes that improved daytime funcytoning is caused by improved sleep, or vice...
Effective for whom? The patient or the doctor?
I presume that the srticle was severely constrained by some necessary word-count. It has a fairly arbitrary starting point. The most significant...
Some say Good Old Harvard... others tell the truth. I wonder who was influencing their training in the 1980's
How did the ethics committee ensure that participants in the "trial" would be given sufficient information to enable them to give "informed consent"?
The BBC headline seems to lack particularity. It is surely a highly beneficial way of spending time-for those delivering the courses. For the...
It looks as though they elect 50 or 51 per year. Why has it taken so long?
We don't expect perfection. Merely competence and understanding of issues.
The reference to Garner saying "can only mean" is not evidence of anything other than the opinion of Garner, which is not generally considered...
What exactly is the evidence relied on for the claim that three of the NICE committee resigned in protest against the recommendations? We have...
No. But he would have to answer as to what led him to change his mind, should he do so. Evidence would help, though it is rarely considered necessary.
The problem with this cult is that its members seem to be on a special operation for which they are equipped with the Royal College licensed...
If they want to be positive tthey could use the slogan: "ACT. Nothing works better."
in how many patients has hypocorticolism been demonstrated?
Emphasis on PEM to the exclusion of everything else has always been an oversimplification - probably favoured by those who suffer only , or...
I looks stranger and stranger. These authors are likely to be fully aware of the timing and circumstances of the resignations. Personal and...
Separate names with a comma.