About ten years ago I sold Christmas cards to raise money for them!
Thanks for all you do Suzy.
Doesn't Paul Cheyney do something similar in Panamanian and Costa Rican clinics? But I don't remember reading any of the results.
Welcome to the Forum
This is not related to the above but maybe of interest - Malcolm Hooper etc. on the Gibson Inquiry with, maybe, interesting quotes from Aylward:...
@Jonathan Edwards I now have the ear of my MP who went to the recent debate and asked a question. Do you have any thoughts of what I need to ask...
Welcome to the Forum @Arisoned
"Children cheating on the actometer." Didn't PACE start off using actometers? Did they stop because the adults cheated?
@Jan said: 'Is there any chance Holgate may step down @Jonathan Edwards ? Patients have no faith in him, the trust has dissolved over many years...
Wonko, This is so awful that I can't think of what to say that could be of comfort. Just on the offchance - I'm wondering if anyone has contact...
Really is heartbreaking.
Welcome @Peter
Excellent news.
Well done @chicaguapa and thank you.
Thanks again Gary, two one hour programmes in one week must be a record. You mentioned B12 injections - I've used very fine needles that are used...
Letter from Charles Shepherd to Vince Cable 2010 http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/MW/2010/hooper-letter-to-cable-re-pace-trial_7oct2010.pdf He may...
Spot on @Amw66 she is in a tough position.
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