@Wonko That can be solved with a phone timer. Put it on 2.5 minutes and when it says beep you turn back. I do agree with it being pointless...
Just one of these things I have tumbling around in the back of my head for a while now, and I was curious about your opinion. One of the key...
I just created a thread about a paper that is applicable to Knoop and this trial (and others). Registration and primary outcome reporting in...
Registration and primary outcome reporting in behavioral health trials | BMC Medical Research Methodology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)...
Good one. Or cut corners, saying you did 4x8 minutes while it was actually more like 7, 6.5, 7, and 8-but-with-a-break-because-whew minutes, just...
1) I tried a similar thing on my own about 20 years ago. Cycling on the hometrainer, adding a minute every week I think it was. (Or maybe every x...
Thanks @Cheshire /mod team for adding the link to the actual paper! I had retrieved it, but I'm unfortunately having very increased scatterbrain...
If it turns out to be a major factor in ME/CFS, then "zombie virus" is accurate on multiple levels ;) [MEDIA] Also, there was a study with...
Two twitter threads about the paper: [MEDIA] and [MEDIA]
:emoji_warning: At this point it's still a preprint. Abstract: Patients with COVID-19 may develop abnormal inflammatory response and lymphopenia,...
Lyme borroleosis doesn't just evaporate by itself. Wheter it stays or goes is not dependant on "cognitive and behavioural responses to the acute...
PIFS was the never-used invented second syndrome or "subtype" of CFS from the Oxford criteria (not describing an actual disease process). I...
No treatment protocol available because "The treatment must first be tested in research." Where to begin with that one? :jawdrop: (For starters...
Poor woman. :( Now there's a neon sign truth. (Different angle of course but only yesterday or something I commented to someone on how...
Just a reminder that that is the book Michael Sharpe talked about in the "we are the normal people" lecture in The Netherlands in 2019. (And it...
Richard Sykes was the one who sent Simon Wessely a draft version of the new guidelines for "CFS" from the Department of Social Security end...
I'd prefer the article being made into a brochure though, it's more elaborate in content and up to date. Like:
I just read it and I think it's a great article. Very informative and inviting. I think Doctors with ME did a very good job there.* The bit about...
Thanks for the clarification @rvallee , and yes, indeed.
Indeed. I've been busy and unwell, but I do want to comment on this. The portion from the first email was already not ok. It was (in order): 1)...
Separate names with a comma.