A crossover occurs between ATP production and cellular housekeeping. First, housekeeping is energy intensive, and involves both catabolic and...
I suspect that the Royal Free patients were undergoing bedrest a lot, and simple tests of muscle function were done. Limited tests and special...
When I was a very mild patient in the 80s I was able to do a little Tai Chi. Even as a very mild patient after a couple of weeks of light training...
In 2007 I wrote to our then Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, using his office internet message system, and basically said I am either waiting...
(Sarcasm) Maybe they should expect that they should be committed for doing all this to disabled people?
The very notion of acceptance is an ambiguous concept here. In simpler terms, its waffle. I agree with most of the comments on this thread. If I...
In my case perhaps for about a decade before even acknowledging illness, and another decade before even considering disability. It did not help...
People remain connected when they do activities with other people, including parties and other events. When we do not show up, time after time,...
Here is my blog on the H. pylori story on Phoenix Rising years ago -...
No problem. Its called online ordering.
The problem with light therapy for circadian adjustment is its one of at least fifteen factors that affect circadian rhythms, and many of these...
I suspect we are talking about different things. Liability insurance is not something we have to worry about much though occasionally it comes up....
It comes up from time to time that some pesticides trigger something like ME. Its primarily organophosphates. Other than that someone pointed out,...
... and a lot more details.
I think we are almost there already. Its just not fully understood yet how bad it might be. However we are still not sure if LC is ME, or how well...
I am not so sure its my view, but its definitely my worry. Its a bad scenario if it plays out like that, and huge numbers of people may be...
On a non-medical issue, electricity and gas prices are set to soar here by up to five fold or more. I think anyone on limited income needs to be...
In my discussions with patients over the years its not common under 3 years of illness, and very common over 10 years of illness. That was my...
He wrote at some point that Hep B vaccine caused issues in 19/20 patients investigated, but I do not recall details.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Separate names with a comma.