That is the history of psychobabble and medical science right there. The idea that ME does not have pathology is also currently absurd. We don't...
Yes, this one: Cerebral blood flow is reduced in ME/CFS during head-up tilt testing even in the absence of hypotension or tachycardia: A...
There was a report a year or two ago following a new type of brain scan. Our brain blood pressure can be lower than our peripheral blood pressure....
Any simple algorithm relying on heart rate is assuming normal heart rate regulation. In OI, either POTS or NMH, heart rate can be different, and...
Does this suggest distributed vascular damage? That would fit with Covid bloodclot issues.
Then its not insanity. The results are prestige, money and influence, therefore its a success. Truth, science, medicine and the public good are...
It is however a method for convincing people via political rhetoric, and a basis for advertising.
(quote is from the abstract) But the alternative is ... biopsychosocial medicine? Strict biomedical, evidence based, stringent science, and...
That really depends on the cause. It may be completely unfixable without altering the biochemistry.
VR systems cause major sensory problems in at least some of us. I am not sure of the numbers. It could be rare. It could be common.
Coming back from that testing was a nightmare. My energy crashed so badly I could not lift my feet even an inch, so could not use even a single...
Using poor cognitive testing protocols might get some results that are useful in extremely large cohorts where small differences in cognition...
I had a simple dementia verbal memory test over a decade ago. I thought it probably a waste of time but went along with it. I aced it, only...
I would love to tap like to this but its a nightmare scenario. Good for the prospect of real research funding, bad for everyone else. So consider...
I am not convinced that any survey questions can come close to operationalizing a definition of PEM. Objective tests are needed, including studies...
What I am seeing out of Israel is a massive reduction in Pfizer's protection against infection over time. At six months its mostly gone, at under...
This is what some diagnostic criteria in the DSM (3?4?) had as validity testing. All it really tells you is they are on the same page, its not...
My suspicion is this is correct. Resting is about not getting worse, while healing is probably about other things. If you don't have enough rest...
I just had my second AstraZeneca shot less than half an hour ago. Had a bit of OI light headedness before the shot and it did not get worse. If I...
Another early study. Subsequent studies should show more rigor, but its hard to get funding without at least a simple study like this. I suspect...
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