I think SF-36 is generally fine as a tool but subject to over-interpretation. Comparing any two patients, or a cohort, is problematic given how...
I selected useful improvement however the improvement was not major, though detectable, and the cost was high, so I moved my money to a different...
There is a disconnect here. Many with LC probably have ME or something related, but probably not all of them. The science debunking the CBT/GET...
We have needed some kind of study like this since the late 90s. I have been waiting. Maybe this isn't the absolute best possible study, but its a...
Yes, its one good feature of the US medicolegal system, though not without restrictions. I forget details, I looked into this like a decade ago....
This categorically shows its a bogus study. How any scientist can fall for this is astonishing. The answer, of course, is they are not scientists....
Aside from the one example in CFS research of deliberately using SD on SF36PF data I consider this probably accurate here. All the possibilities...
I would like to add one more. The methodologies used in this stuff are a kludge of many parts, all thrown together because they increase the...
Thanks to Leonard Jason we have known the story for some years. I have said in the past, which probably got dismissed by people I said it to, that...
Not for me prior to fully embracing pacing. The higher the reward the more damage it did, as I was motivated to push long after I should have stopped.
I have not much doubt that many with idiopathic fatigue will improve with exercise. There are lots of studies in the past that show this. I am...
We do not know if any study, so far as I am aware, other than the PACE trial, is intentional fraud. I suspect many studies copying the methodology...
This alone derails much of what they are saying. You can make a symptom list, but going from that to inferred psychosomatic (actually psychogenic)...
The PHQ-15 questionnaire proves nothing. It has the scientific validity of the same questionnaire being used to prove alien abductions and their...
I have something a tad more extreme but fortunately happened only once at this level of severity. It was during my PhD candidacy, a little after I...
Some of my past blogs were just this, but we need to get this stuff into social media, not hidden on a forum.
I have been saying for years now that psychobabble operates by persuasive rhetoric. More recently I made an analogy with psychobabble being...
It is definitely cheaper for medical insurers and disability insurers. It looks cheaper on the books for government too, where they can ignore the...
Disagree here. Fairy tales often have a purposeful and useful moral dimension, like the boy who cried wolf. BPS ideology is an ideology that...
Just some thoughts. Loss of physical capacity means you cannot do stuff, its about what you can do as a person. However loss of cognitive...
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