I never really understand how one can use Fukuda when PEM, being a hallmark and cardinal symptom. But out of the 1400 participants, 69 Fukuda, and...
It is possible that a program of many hours of playing Monopoly in an elevator while listening to Adele singing “Rolling in the Deep” over and...
We have no evidence base that says that preventive resting is good for ME. We know that activities can provoke symptoms but that does not tell us...
"By promoting GET/CBT as the only supposedly evidence based treatments, GP's assume that it's a psychosomatic condition and either offer...
«Evidence-based medicine is driven by the effort to minimize medical risk. In the area of ME/CFS, however, it has long been routine for...
Hopefully your right, but not sure that even peers experiences will make them understand that this could happen to everyone (them included)....
Quiet a dark episode with N. Speight, describing cases of children, the snakes and ladders. One step ahead and two back. That is exactly how it is...
The article is quite good. Nice to actually have someone knowing what they are talking about, not speaking of Stubbhaug. At first I wonder what...
Haha! Nice story, a thing of beauty
Like patients not recovering, even deteriorating haven’t tried enough and don’t know they’re own best? Anecdotes. Always so easy, missing all...
It is scary that you can get it so totally wrong, - ME = some sort of fatigue? Its a little like approaching a dart board, turn away 180, then...
It fails from the start labeling ME as some kind of fatigue? From there on everything sort of fails. It is not true that we’ve had “decades of...
Yes, language and terms are important. The propaganda that the mechanic view on body and soul, the distinction between psyche and soma is an...
Interesting. Semantics is always interesting in the world of ME. I always find it kind of sad reading studies that has to underline the obvious,...
Ignore them totally. Let them just speak together in they’re echo chamber.
Ok, thanks. And wow. Know PACE as presented and trial 2011 to date, but wasn’t aware of afME close relationship to both governments, PACE...
A good article. The consumer term is very odd. Action for ME on pacing is bad. I’m not familiar with this action for ME and how they actually...
Let’s see what this will be, but if you’re about right in your predictions, which I find reasonable, then it’s good night to mankind. But I...
Well done @dave30th. Keep up the important work! I figure this is good for the world see. Let people outside take part in this mess. At first it...
A good listening and well done BBC Scotland. C Shepherd and C Monaghan tells us what we know so well and have heard a thousand times. Hopefully...
Separate names with a comma.