Abstract Background The poorer physical health of autistic adults compared to non-autistic adults has been highlighted by several epidemiological...
agree. something more along the lines of the NZ PEM video....
Abstract Purpose To investigate the proportion of patients with lymphoma with persistent clinically relevant cognitive impairment, and its...
Abstract Background A growing evidence base supports the use of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) for treatment of...
Study could lead to injections that replicate brain benefits of exercise Study could lead to injections that replicate brain benefits of...
Abstract The beneficial effects of physical activity on brain ageing are well recognised, with exerkines, factors that are secreted into the...
Sufferers of a chronic pain condition are being left in agony because of a ‘cruel’ ban on drugs by NHS chiefs, campaigners have claimed....
Distinguishing features of Long COVID identified through immune profiling Distinguishing features of Long COVID identified through immune...
Abstract: SARS-CoV-2 infection causes transient cardiorespiratory and neurological disorders, and severe acute illness is rare among children....
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global health crisis, inflicting substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. A diverse range of...
Any feedback from the LC community? I'm guessing that many are either unaware that the review is also cited in many instances in relation to...
"Sly Saint said: ↑ "None of the Chaldean wise men are able to even read, let alone interpret, the writing on the wall". No, but it is uncannily...
Moderators stop removing me/cfs content : r/covidlonghaulers (reddit.com)
..................particularly if a cup of tea and a biscuit are on offer afterwards.
unless they happen to be our studies, in which case we can interpret them however suits us.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belshazzar's_feast eta: "None of the Chaldean wise men are able to even read, let alone interpret, the writing on...
write up of the paper from Oslo University (in english): Oslo Chronic Fatigue Consortium Offers a Fresh Perspective on Chronic Fatigue Syndromes...
no mention of harms? conclusive evidence of recovery without fiddling the results? talk about echo chamber. Do they ever listen to patients,...
Abstract Purpose The complexity of long COVID and its diverse symptom profile contributes to unprecedented challenges for patients, clinicians,...
Suffering from ME and completely disconnected from life https://thestoriest.com/health/348725.html
Separate names with a comma.