Looks like I was wrong - MEpedia says it's custom skin is based on Winter, which was the early prototype for Timeless. MediaWiki says this is all...
The Slack channel is invite only, I think you email the main MEpedia account to request adding. They need your email address I think to add you....
I get this too, but found the zoom option by the safari bottom bar helps sometimes, along with some scrolling, I have 100% zoom which is far more...
same thing for me, I have flagged it up but I am not sure if it's caused by a bug I saw already logged by MediaWiki/wikipedia developers thank...
I guess check you have the watch thing set for the thread.
Both "Pages in Need" (linked to from the side bar of the home page) and MEpedia:Suggested_tasks have priorities although so much ME research has...
There isn't as far as I know, but the bugs seem to be largely coming from the Timeless MediaWiki skin I think (that's the one used on wikipedia) -...
That's brilliant! I had no idea this was possible. It will be really useful. The HitCounters extension is no longer being updated by the developer...
Awful to hear of Whitney deteriorating again. To have any tiny enough improvement to be able to have a very slightly better life and have it...
Whitney said clearly it was about ME/CFS and on instagram. I did actually visit today because of the UK Acu Seeds / Giselle Boxer ongoing frenzy....
Can someone put together a summary of what I am missing for my brain-fogged self? I have eventually got through most of the abstract. How many...
That is appreciated. However I stand by my words on Action for ME failing to organise properly by leaving things to late and blaming the...
Exactly what criteria are used for the saliva samples? I presume Post-exertional malaise but is it about meeting current UK NICE / SEID criteria,...
US only, ages 18+ at the moment - could you add this to the intro @cfsandmore
Why is saliva not wanted from some people? Especially with the huge amount of funding. Is this a symptom base restriction, viral vs non-viral...
Optimum Health Clinic has 2 informally resolved complaints from the Advertising Standards Authority - anyone have the detail on these? ASA doesn't...
Unbelievably the ME Association have removed their article about the ASA complaint on Gupta and have nothing else on it. There is a passing...
Nebula is doing another discount - not sure how long for. Basic Whole Genome Sequencing $99 (should be $299) Deep x30 Whole Genome Sequencing...
Chronic illness Inclusion (CII) needs a shout out there, and Centre for Welfare Reform. CII have 5 reports out now, details here...
December results, article by a man... https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/dec/23/womens-health-strategy-england-six-priorities Results...
Separate names with a comma.