Absolutely it matters. Having low or deficient nutrients creates many unpleasant symptoms that are easily treatable that people would be glad to...
So you're saying that people with LC or ME could be very low in, say, folate and/or vitamin D, and it would be rare for anyone to ever know?
Me too. But having (LC or ME alone) is always going to be better than having (LC or ME) PLUS (a nutrient deficiency of any kind).
Certainly in thyroid disease doctors treat blood test results, not patients. So if someone feels well and can lead a comfortable and worthwhile...
But that is true for lots of test results - reference ranges are often enormously wide, and the top of the range can sometimes be anywhere from 5...
I've heard of Q-Fever but never read anything about it until a few minutes ago (soooo - not an expert...). I read the wikipedia article...
On the thyroid forum I read they suggest that people aim for mid-range or a little bit over. You would need to know what the range for a...
I can't see this working in the UK. Anyone who is considered to have conditions that are "all in the head" has almost certainly been flagged on...
Ditto. Several years ago my ferritin was very low but in range and my serum iron was under range. I could only get upstairs by going up on my bum...
The reference ranges for B12 are absurd. There is absolutely no consistency throughout the world as to what is an adequate level. The units of...
The medical profession uses the word functional in various contexts. I think it is partly to keep patients in the dark about what they mean. In...
So, does that mean that someone with this problem who eats, say, a bar of chocolate, will end up with higher than desirable levels of glucose in...
I'm not trying to sell anything. I have functional B12 deficiency. I developed eczema aged 9 or 10 and spots/zits when I was about 11 or 12. I was...
I have this problem too. And given that doctors think that patients like us are obsessed with our health and shouldn't be thinking about it so...
This post and some subsequent posts have been split from Denmark: A short report from 19 home visits, August 2022, by Peter la Cour and Susanna...
This is unexpected - I thought doctors everywhere liked diagnosing illness as "functional" when diagnosis was considered to be too difficult or...
Since Lyme Disease gets mentioned on the forum from time to time I thought this video might be of interest : [MEDIA]
Could you ask for the thread to be moved to a member's only forum? I'm sure there are few doctors who will go to the bother of making an account...
From reading S4ME I would question the idea that English medicine and English doctors have rejected the psychosomatic approach. I thought it was...
In normal everyday conversation I would never use the word fatigue, and I don't know anyone who does. I would use "I'm tired" or "I'm exhausted",...
Separate names with a comma.