A useful review, but from an ME perspective I would like to know more about (note. Not fully with it so did struggle reading the full article):...
Hopefully they also stop overstating what we can authoritatively say about the biological basis of ME, as this gives antagonistic readers an...
[added - sorry this comment has been moved so it no longer is clear what it refers to. I was responding to the posting of a link to a Science...
For me over 30 years, I would say ME has repeatedly taken away the identities I valued: the successful and innovative Speech & Language Therapist,...
There are different forms of MND (ALS), many years ago I remember working with some one with a stereotypical form with relatively slow progression...
I am interpreting this to show that exposure to any of specific pathogens investigated is not sufficient or necessary to trigger ME/CFS though we...
Another important instalment in this series of blogs. The following particularly struck me: A consensus of contemporary medicine here was...
The confounding of association and causation is disappointingly widespread. If the symptoms all arise from a common cause, they are going to...
Researchers listed in the protocol: Subhadra Evans1, Lisa Olive2, Madeleine Dober3, Simon Knowles4, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz3, Eric O5, Peter...
If Javid takes action on this it would make sense to also try to stop a rush of uninterpretable Long Covid research using unblind trials with...
Have no idea what the article actually says, but I was drawn to the conclusion that the best support was a nurse, not sending people off for...
I think this is an important issue, you also see it with young ME suffers too. For many people in Western Culture exercise is part of their sense...
An excellent letter/draft question, @FMMM1 I am most impressed how succinctly you got the point across.
Interesting, but does this read as though the researchers are coming at the topic with a number of preconceptions that will get in the way of...
This raises again how the book got some initial five star ratings, if it is not possible to rate it without leaving a review.
We need a decent natural history of Long Covid, as much as we need the same for ME, however it is possible that using electronic medical records...
The methodological problems with these studies are so well rehearsed here there is no point in repeating them, however it is interesting that...
Doesn’t this raise the possibility that what we are seeing is a neurological condition. Further I assume the ‘improved symptoms’ are self reported...
This is interesting given people with ME frequently (but not universally) find they are unable to tolerate alcohol. If, as is likely, a...
Thank you, another excellent resource. We do need a good book or documentary pulling all this information together and making it more generally...
Separate names with a comma.