Anne Kielland from Tjenesten og MEg talked about how recruiting participants for the study from NAV (Norwegian Welfare and Labor Administration),...
The project will be discussed in one of the largest news programs in Norway today, and I saw that Kielland from TjenestenogMEg is joining. That...
Khrono has written about the verdict today, and not surprisingly they miss the point about objective outcomes when doing an unblinded trial and...
It does look a little bit like it.
I've given up on wet lab, it's not just being in the lab at fixed times, but also the light/sound/smells. Obviously labs and what one work with...
While I want this to be true, I've noticed a lot of backlash around online (or even hybrid!) teaching. But also seeing/hearing the "it's the...
What's frustrating with metabolomics studies is that (in no particular order) 1) the metabolites are mostly (all studies on pwME?) from blood,...
I'm testing out data science/informatics, and would like to see if I'm able to do online nutrition councelling at some point. Working from a...
Well, they are required to send the information they give to participants to REK. With NICE guidelines being the newest/most updated on how to...
NEM also asks for the preregistration of the study to be done well. As we know, the preregistration is moot if the final trial reporting consists...
I noticed the google translated version said none on the board were incompetent, this is a translation error from the Norwegian "inhabil" which...
The verdict from the national ethic's board came today. Short version: The National ethic's board has given the study approval, and it will go...
In Fluge and Mella the issue was epigenetic, and that is outside the scope of a GWAS.
Yes, with parenteral nutrition that is the case. I wish we had number on how many pwME require any type of nutrition support.
Enteral support is supposed to mimic regular diets in their composition, is it something specific you're thinking of here?
Glucose could still be used for glycolysis even if the Kreb's cycle is downregulated. Excess lipids could end up in circulation (risk factor for...
On the study: The Norwegian Psychological Association (NPF) has long been concerned about the test field and believes that more actors must...
A post on the NHS England's Long Covid Board has been moved to a new thread: UK: NHS England Long Covid Plans
But it says may 2021, are they that behind schedule, or was it just made official now (which I still think is odd)?
Separate names with a comma.