Right. It does concern me that we aren’t having enough people diagnosed with ME or large enough studies for hardly any of these to study...
The background processes of cellular metabolism are called “housekeeping” functions. Most of what occurrs in a cell is thought to be housekeeping....
A healthy control describes the NIH metabolic chamber which is also being used in the ME study....
Just a guess, but I think that’s the name of the survey because the CDC manages things that can be prevented/managed by vaccines and isolation...
I get nausea, sore throat, and diarrhea variability with PEM. I don’t vomit unless I am taking flagyl (it was indicated for a non-ME infection)....
I didn’t get very far through the paper before my brain zonked out, so couldn’t tell how to evaluate it myself. Am always interested in what...
Interesting. Glad you’re mailing them, whoever they are. That’s a small improvement but an odd conclusion as there’s some evidence that it...
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/jep.13010 Free full text Sietse Wieringa MSc DPhil Student, Scientia Research Fellow1,2 Eivind...
UpToDate I think he is newly listed because he’s in the process of revising it. Someone else can likely say more. Hopefully they’ll have removed...
Unsupported assertion (thesis or topic sentence) Arguing from authority/process /tradition Argument from process/authority/tradition...
I did have sticky wax buildup in my ears as a small child, and oddly enough my pediatrician told my mother to get liquid stool softener and put...
It’s possible this is a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. Theoretically, they can give you a plug kind of thing to put in your ears to collect the...
Probably depends which ones. In one study, the ME patients were deemed more fit than their sedentary controls. Other patients are likely...
Oh he invented graded excercise, until people told him that was bad. Then he had invented pacing. It’s all in how you look at it. ETA: actually I...
Are you in the U.S.? Do you qualify for Medicaid? Medicaid offers “longterm care,” which is an aide who will help with bathing, housechores, etc....
This one? [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I guess it would be the opposite of “casual” gaming. Oh guess not. It’s a game with some (purported) purpose. Here’s the game they used,...
Thanks for explaining
I read some of the studies trying to work out what was going on. Honestly I can’t figure out why the idea of MCS has such a bad rap because it’s...
It’s true that we probably do have bigger fish to fry. (It’s a good idea to consider the bigger picture including people with other conditions...
Separate names with a comma.