One of Oliver Sacks' encephalitis lethargica patients in Awakenings (Leonard L. ?), who responded dramatically to L-Dopa, called it something like...
and that this relationship is stronger among cases with more severe PCC. A dose-response relationship is always good to see.
It is a waste bin diagnosis. Anything vaguely neurological-ish that they can't explain gets thrown into it.
+1 Very good article. Just gets worse and worse, doesn't it. :grumpy: BACME have not...
There it is.
our understanding of their mechanisms is still very limited, as well as our therapeutic efficacy for the affected patients If they still have not...
Sounds like, because it is. Worth repeating. This is just a turf war between the fringe and officially approved mainstream versions of...
Exactly. How can they advise any (specific) 'treatment' at all? It is just the rehab crew trying to keep an illegitimate finger in the pie. This...
Could be sensitivity. Or could be not using the appropriate measurement technique, or not using it in the right way, for the particular problem....
Good point.
So when does this get sent to Cochrane? Or has that already happened, and we will just send an update at some point?
Never stopped them before. They simply reject reality and substitute their own self-serving version. And nobody is stopping them.
Gait analysis is definitely something that needs a lot more attention.
Round and round the criteria clown show goes.
Exactly. Also, a typo in your letter, near the end: We assume the research team will be wiliing
Music - keeping time, coming in on time, and hitting pitch when singing. Speech, linguistic, and also spectral, tonal, and rhythmic analysis....
Betteridge's Law of Headlines says no. That really is all it is. Just another performative sham to further exploit human beings.
Separate names with a comma.