Not to mention insisting all along there is nothing wrong with the patient's underlying biophysical structures and processes. Yet the moment...
Yes, there is a limit to how politely and gently one can, or even should, make a criticism of bad practice. I have always tried to make it clear...
I am not against checklists in principle. They have their place where there is a long list of things to check, particularly in maintaining safety...
Academic freedom, including the freedom from any responsibility for your product. Nice work if you can get it.
The information gained from this project and the toolkit will provide the essential bedrock for any effective change to clinical practice and...
A serious issue I have with handing out a label, like FND, is that it is not neutral. It contains unproven assumptions about the nature and...
@ukxmrv Certainly not suggesting it is all FND patients.
he he
IIRC, he used the term ME, not CFS.
Or bald-faced lies.
I think we can safely assume that there is a lot of pre-emptive priming of FND patients against us and our criticisms by clinicians and...
Psychosomatics is one of the most seductive, insidious, and destructive memes of them all. It offers the hope of mind over matter, a level of...
Not even sure 'neurological' can be justified. Way too much theory led interpretation, and way too little hard data to test it all. As usual in...
I have seen nothing from the ME patient community over the years suggesting that FND patients do not have a real health problem, or are...
To be honest, I am less interested in what patients 'want', and more in what they need, which is accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. FND...
post-activity exhaustion Another re-label to add to the growing pile that medicine keeps inventing in order to avoid saying PEM.
Not the first time this issue has arisen in this field. Same thing happened with PACE: From 2007 (pre-PACE) From 2011 (post-PACE) Note the...
'Sorry. But not sorry.' :grumpy:
People with everything to lose if the rest of the world learns how dodgy they are tend to try diverting the world's attention away from how dodgy...
Separate names with a comma.