Decreased cortisol is very non-specific and can simply reflect different behavioural patterns of people who are ill, namely a lack of intense...
The major flaw of this study is that it relies on (limited) primary care data - it is not a true representation of the whole population. I wish...
Aren't tryptophan catabolites too small for meaningful Ig responses? The only people talking about this is M Maes and colleagues - I can't find...
If it was abuse, bullying and stressful workplaces that cause PIFS, then there is no point measuring it unless we are going to make a strong...
That's because these measures don't actually have much to do with VO2Max or muscle strength for people of normal fitness, (except perhaps...
Most likely they're in denial about it being a long-term condition - they think their recovery is just around the corner and they don't want all...
The three blinded RCTs of hydrocortisone did show an effect, though the medical community deemed it not worth the side effects.
The baroreceptor sensitivity effect has been known for decades in POTS - but not necessarily ME/CFS. A side note, but increased sensitivity to...
Keith has published a few pieces including the following (that was notably tweeted by Sharpe)...
GPs uncensored: What a coincidence, patients think the same thing about GPs, pfffff. O, so the explanation you're telling your patients is...
Scientists have shown that it is not merely lactic acid concentration that causes this muscle pain, but instead the stimulation of a combination...
Activin A secretion is associated with other infections as well, it is not specific to EBV. Warning speculation about hypothetical...
How would they know from a cross-sectional study, since they didn't measure VO2Peak before COVID? They also don't seem to understand the...
How does this explain ME/CFS cases for patients who repeatedly test negative for any sign of EBV? (using multiple labs, both serology and PCR)
They are literally demonstrating proof of response biases, but still manage to conclude that their therapy is effective!?!
Australians in general seem to be very skeptical about the impact or existence of LongCOVID (as seen in the coronavirus downunder reddit etc).
This is a decades old narrative that pre-dates CFS. Whenever anyone says something is not psychological or criticises psychological treatment...
This is an important point. "Graded exercise therapy" that focuses on low-intensity duration of activity does not increase cardiovascular fitness...
Isn't that what all the pro-ivermectin people are claiming? That is going to go down real well...
Bias much? 10% is not "infrequent" and exercise intolerance is not "mild and tolerable".
Separate names with a comma.