Some comments: AUC was ~90% for sensitivity and specificity. However, I don't think this model/"biomarker" is terribly useful as it is likely...
The use of oxygen as a possible screening biomarker for the diagnosis of chronic fatigue Fernando Pifarréa, Lluís Rossellób, Raúl Hilenoc, Joan...
This is a problem, I speculate that those conducting single rather than two day CPET studies don't actually understand what the 2 day CPETs...
This article both lacks conceptual clarity as to the difference between fatigue-related sensations, fatigue, effort, energy-related sensations and...
Patients become involved (become activists) because their needs aren't being met due to existing systems. Side note, one of the authors also...
I don't find 'acceptance' leads to being able to achieve more.
You get to keep your acronym privileges!
All 3 of my siblings have/had autoimmune disease - Coeliac, T1D, ITP
There are no experts, so the joke is on them.
Someone needs their acronym privileges removed! Oxaloacetate is part of the citric acid cycle, but I am not overly confident this will have much...
That is a somewhat unhinged review. All of the rumination about Chronic Lyme, it almost seems as if he is projecting his own experiences on...
Hardly. It is just that there are new forms of identity that replace the old-fasioned ones - instead of identifying with political parties or...
I'm not sure, but I think that sentiment was what led them to want to categorise patients into groups like "pervasively inactive", "somewhat...
He thinks because he had mental health issues (bi-polar disorder) in his past that he is now qualified to write about disability in general. I...
Psychiatric Symptoms in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Beyond a Motor Neuron Disorder Elisabetta Zucchi, Nicola Ticozzi and Jessica Mandrioli...
Yes, classic use of weasel words. After decades of research, you know the evidence base is weak if this is all they can manage.
Yes, I wish authors would stop trying to be 'clever' with titles (and acronyms), with the expectation that patients never read research so they...
It wasn't about money. They claimed that the use of the devices were too much of a burden for patients. But we know from the committee notes that...
I can't take him seriously at all, given his favourable quoting of de Boer.
Separate names with a comma.