Wow, that will hopefully be very helpful for Swedish patients. As I understand it they have frequently been denied benefits for ME. Maybe @mango...
Well, maybe they should? If they were stressed, maybe they didn't pay enough attention to where they were going and so put themselves at risk for...
It's a compensation mechanism, yes. So is sighing, snorting, and so on. When I developed post-infectious asthma at 19 I also developed a lot of...
I have a genetic predisposition to a very strong (bordering on too strong) heart and have always had a resting pulse of around 42 (not sleeping)...
I don't think you are – progress is faaaar too slow, but there is definitely progress. From where I sit it looks like much of the negative stuff...
Going home now. Final report on MR not done yet, but at first glance everything looks ok:) The neurologist told me this kind of thing sometimes...
Thank you :hug: I’m doing well considering the very busy last 24 hrs. Would of course prefer to be at home in my own bed, but a quiet single room...
Just saw the neurologist who agrees that it is most likely ME related, as she has seen similar symptoms in other PwME. She has ordered an MRI for...
Thanks, guys :hug: CT and blood tests were all normal, but they are keeping me overnight so they can be sure and so I can see a neurologist...
Turns out I have free medical video consultations through my insurance. The doc recommended I get it checked out at once, so now I'm waiting for...
Hard to tell if it is more often, because most of us are not as exposed as we used to be when out and about:) Maybe neither/nor would be the...
I agree, but I think it’s the journalist who oversimplified here, they don’t seem to realize that they are contributing to the problem by framing...
I will. Just apprehensive they will want me to come in just to be sure, so trying to ask professionals who will understand that going in is a...
It faded last night, but still here this morning. Less than yesterday. I do have some issues with the area between my shoulderblades around my...
I get migraines, but haven't had one for a long time now. This episode seems unrelated to migraines, or so I'm hoping. Migraines usually affect my...
I've seen this mentioned a lot on various fb groups so it seems like a common symptom, but it's also one of those things that could be so many...
As far as I know, you are right @inox :) The 200 people who got treatment privately used the regiment from the phase II study and I think the...
If this was made by a graphic designer it must be the worst one in the world. This is really badly made from a design perspective, with pixelated...
Yup. My partner's aunt had stomach aches and pains for months and it was all put down to stress. Finally the pain became so bad that she was taken...
Separate names with a comma.