In a way, the lower quality standards also leads to some useful stuff that wouldn't usually get published getting published. Ie. I doubt Whitney...
I experience something similar. A little PEM mostly just makes symptoms flare and goes away in a couple days. A lot of PEM or repeated PEM worsens...
Similar experience. i spent 6 months going to every specialist my doctor referred me to and trying everything they prescribed. it was brutal and...
That’s always been my hunch. ME seems to fuck up the body pretty bad, but it’s pretty much impossible to see anything abnormal looking inside the...
Worth noting that all these will have selection biases leaving out yhe most severe, who are also probably more likey to say they have a...
Won’t this end up going to higher courts who side with him since he appointed them?
A lot of people I know who claim benefit from it only did the "treatment" once they had "improved enough to make the trip" which sounds like a...
Hence, "well done RCT". i don't think anyone can argue any of the psycho behavioural RCTs were well done due to myriad reasons like overstating...
On a brainfoggy low capacity brain it’s really hard to tell what has promise and what is pure hype. I’ve simplified it for myself by assuming...
That’s probably unhelpful as their goal seems to specifically have tried to get a non-western perspective.
I’m a bit brainfoggy, does this sentence mean the leaked fluid makes it back into the blood?
If this indeed is found in ME-OI, as this paper seems to suggest (wihout much evidence), could it explain the excessive thirst some pwME report?
This was more like 1 yr to 8 months ago, I don’t have the energy or will to spend my time arguing on reddit anymore, and I think I agree with you...
With @Aaron we’ve had pretty good experiences making posts in sciency and news related subreddits about ME. And the posts often get quite big and...
There is definitely a phenomenon of online communities often having vague rules that moderators selectively enforce when they see something they...
though the upvote to comment ratio difference shows that r/medicine deems the paper far more controversial. Also thanks for the positives summary...
I don’t dare to take a peak.
Wouldn’t remitting imply having periods with minimal symptoms and near normal functioning?
(I have to say, when I can manage solid foods, boiled potato is one of my favourites too ahah)
“relapse” has very different implications than deterioration. I don’t think it’s an adequate word to describe permanent deterioration. And the...
Separate names with a comma.