I learned from a severe patient yesterday that she had actually *bought* a tanning bed. Wow!
Sorry I missed this comment initially. This is really an interesting observation, actually. Was the initial tension because people in mainstream...
Thanks guys -- I passed this on to our MEpedia Volunteers Slack channel.
I came across a really, really good resource on this recently and it's made me consider precisely that. For everyone's edification:...
I think we're agreeing here, but that means I'm changing my original (kind of devil's advocate) position. It sounds like severe presentation...
Even here in CA, temps dropped pretty low at night. But I also think it is to do with the amount of light we do or don't get. At least, that was...
We often cite that one, but others might consider it conservative. There is that "13.2% work" from... someplace. I remember there was a bit of...
Where are you in the world, if you don't mind my asking?
Thanks! It's been weird lately, I'll report that this happened.
I don't have remission, but I feel much better briefly in the fall, and worse in the winter. Do you feel worse in the winter?
The wholllle thread. ;) Seriously, I started wondering why I felt so terrible in the winter, found out that we get negligible amounts of UVB...
Yessssss May I say that everyone gotta step up their game to meet Scotland. Last year was out of this world over there!
A good chance they saved my mother's life. She was getting a shot a day there for awhile. I remember being 11 and being pretty sure she would...
Not in the US, no. They ship to Canada.
So much going on that it's getting confusing from the inside of an org. I can only imagine what it's like if you haven't been working on it...
All because I didn't have the time / energy to try and figure out how to make different results on different scales layer over each other in Excel...
I remember I was taught -- De Meirleir recommended them. Couldn't get them at the right dose or formulation in the US so it turned out to be a...
Ding-ding-ding! We haaave a winnah. Lucibee, you've tied this fifteen-page thread up with a bow. Perfectly said.
Separate names with a comma.