Yep. :)
Fundamentalists think that everything used on or for children is Satan, though. Even the Harry Potter books were said to be a gateway drug to...
Like everything they co-opt: strip it of anything that doesn't replicate their ideology, package it, and mark it for sale.
Hideous. There is true evil in the world.
All those people who report symptoms in places with high voltage electricity are probably pretty excited about this paper!
Whoooboy someone with the #MEAction logo as their icon on Twitter engaged with Chapman and got "please don't contact me ever again, MEAction!"...
Yes! Increase in serotonin Drop in progesterone: estrogen ratio I noticed this REALLY early in my illness experience. PM me if you'd like to...
HAHAHAOMG I remember this!...
I'd just like to say that it means a lot that there are four pages of people supporting me through this. Thanks, everyone. :hug:
I had the sweat pressor test, an autonomic test; that just feels like prickles. It's uncomfortable but not painful: the current is low. An EMG...
No more falls! I did get an assessment from a doctor who was more willing to try some things out. She mentioned that the muscles on one side of...
Phoenix Rising had a recent update to its display that made me briefly think I'd lost all my bookmarks. I tend to bookmark my own and others'...
Oi, how could I leave that one out? For sure. A woman is supposed to always be prepared to help out, to the point that we do it without...
I've explained it so often that I now have an 'elevator pitch' that explains the disease. :confused: Phrases that generally 'work' when...
I did -- apparently it's already in the works, though with the bulk of Q&A it may take awhile to transcribe!
Given its replicability crisis, this is something of a self-own.
Screw 'em. There's a PhD thesis in the constant suggestions to women with debilitating illness being that they pretty themselves up a bit....
'Adam Ruins Everything' has a great segment on this. When people are presented with ideas that challenge their current belief system, their...
That we are patients[and-also-simultaneously-not] is some real doublethink, and it leads to some intriguing feats of illogic. I've had some...
Separate names with a comma.