At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, I mentioned autonomic dysfunction in traumatic brain injury. Two theories predominate (and damned if...
In an Alzheimer's mouse model at least : "Using this drug appears to restore the neuronal signaling required for proper cognitive function," said...
Peripheral neuropathies may well be due to microvascular failure but I suspect there's a tendency to associate peripheral neuropathies with the...
That's surprising given how common diabetes is and that autonomic neuropathy is a common 'complication'....
I can't access the full paper but I pretty much agree on most points. Where I might diverge is on the issue of 'emergent behaviour' in respect of...
My first reaction to this was - so multiple overlapping symptoms make differential diagnosis difficult. Whoopee! I think we're both being...
Excellent letter Graham - just one nitpicking issue which is probably something which the current NICE guidelines would welcome. "Those so minded...
I was prescribed Zantac after using Tagamet (cimetidine) for years for stomach issues. Zantac didn't work at all for my stomach problems and I...
"We are here" (finally) "ME/CFS is an organic disease" (@ 2:27) Very gratifying to hear but I wonder what evidence Jo Cambridge is basing this...
Re 'diversity' in medical research, it reminds me of something I read decades ago in the context of individual differences psychology about the...
Agreed. How do think it feels for us men to have a 'womens' disease'? PS - I believe the vast majority of supposed 'neurasthenia' cases were...
I'm pretty sure medical research already addresses issues such as gender; ethnicity etc in fact I just googled 'heart attack symptoms in ...' and...
Epidemiology is an established principle of modern medicine and works pretty well thanks without the need for spurious notions such as diversity...
First point - Please - that's demographics and nothing else. As for 'male centered research' that's hardly an issue of 'diversity' given that...
OK - context is everything. Apart from their HR policy (and that's a particularly dubious context) in which context would 'diversity' be relevant...
Or is it possible that the current inclusion of "vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity in CDC material indicates an established ideological...
spleen-kidney yang deficiency syndrome SKYDS Catchy.
@MSEsperanza Thanks. That does indicate that fatigue in MS isn't just about lack of motivation and you can differentiate between effort...
For those interested in these things this is a useful review (and hypothesis) of possible mechanisms for 'central fatigue' in MS and other...
There's some useful demographic data included in this study but while Wyller continues to promote his 'sustained arousal' theory (fair enough - it...
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