We've been subservient to a psychology culture since the early days of TV. That's only worsened by institutions like the NHS and NIH and CDC. I...
My wife was born with Andersen-Tawil Syndrome, a potassium channelopathy. She has classic ATS1, and as such one muscle noticeably affected is her...
By this logic we should also consider heat therapy, open-ended antibiotics, exercise, and prayer. Each of these has been anecdotally reported to...
This is a step in the right direction, but I worry about the abstract/summary; many clinicians will jump to results and conclusions and only see...
I recall 15 years or so ago mentioning a similar phenomenon, but involving one of the tetracyclines' effect on MS, with one of my doctors. I seem...
Unknown Disease With Flu-like Symptoms Kills Almost 150 Sparking Pandemic Fears Replace "kills almost 150" with "permanently debilitates almost...
I see under infectious diseases they've listed Lyme disease and parasitic diseases. How do they definitively know whether someone actually has...
Channelopathies have PEM-like delays of symptom exacerbation, typically 12 to 24 hours after exertion. What I find particularly interesting is...
True. In fact, my wife is normokalemic, and her channelopathy has had its gene - KCNJ2 - identified and verified.
I think the question for many pwME is somehow wrong or misapplied. A PEM threshold is not necessarily set; it can vary. So a limit that you...
Or a third party antigen allowing for this EBV emergence, i.e. there's an immune dysfunction that provides for the reactivation of EBV that was...
It's possible this study inadvertently demonstrates a concept of immune tolerance, and by extension, its implications. I am not referring to it as...
I cannot navigate their website. I'm curious as to the credentials of the researchers and clinicians involved in all three diseases, but...
If it gets this far, they should expand the search during those autopsies to include other pathogens.
There are a couple words that may lose their conventional meaning with ME/CFS. Balance/vertigo/dizziness come to mind. Neuropathy. Brain fog -...
Perhaps, even if ME/CFS is very much tied into energy issues, PEM is triggered by something other than exceeding or insulting energy thresholds,...
I've learned over the years to mitigate or often avoid PEM from overdoing things "physically" , that is walking, lifting etc, so I may be off in...
My first thought relates directly back to the thread title: There is an argument that says emotional stress and sensory stimuli result in forms...
Yes, it may help to see it in black and wight.
You may be correct. In my layman's way, I've seen enough cannibalism among the medical community - specifically over contested diseases - to...
Separate names with a comma.