I'll raise the links issue with Caroline, who is coordinating on this (all the hard work is hers, really). I'm not sure why the links don't work...
This is why they a) need cost effectiveness analysis, like NICE; and b) need a broad range of experts to interpret the data (which has to include...
It's not clear, but will their diagnostic process also include exclusionary testing? If so, then it would seem to be quite rigorous.
Also a very important point. I venture that even if it is sustainable, you might see a better response if people were able to stay at home and...
This bit is telling to me: "there were no significant improvements in the PCFS, overall mental component score of the SF-36, or on the PCL-5"....
Very helpful caveats in there, I think.
Even Reddit, of all places, has banned the "groomer slur". It's the age-old trope that LGBT+ people want to groom vulnerable people (typically...
Hobnobbing got them this far...
Absolutely. But the other side can say as much to any good protocol too. The best you can do is come up with a protocol before you officially look...
One of the fictional Twitter accounts has 'ME' in their handle and tweets at her protagonist about recent mitochondrial research. Which suggests...
If the DWP paid all unpaid carers, I wonder what the savings would be for social care more generally? We do seem to have a crisis in social care,...
Yep. They need a protocol before looking at the evidence, or any assessment is biased.
The only benefit of this, I can see, is that if they look at the evidence and agree it's crap, that's the final nail in the coffin of "exercise"...
I think all this is true, too.
Well said.
Some thoughts: "The anxiety and mood disorders in long covid tend to resolve over months, while serious dementia-like problems, psychosis and...
I know I'm a broken record, but I still think its a mistake to indiscriminately refer to OI in ME and LC as POTS, when I don't think it is in many...
I've been trying the powerful manly thoughts protocol. First I became a builder. Then I became a soldier. Then I became a biker. Then a police...
When I saw the title, I was nervous, but this looks like it might actually be good?
I can sell believe it.
Separate names with a comma.