Yes, of course fatigue - by whichever name you want to call it - is a huge part of the ME experience. Every time I suggest on some forum that we...
A visual journalist's portrait series of 8 pwME. Unfortunately the text is in image format so can't copy and paste to translate. But the pictures...
Those are good points @PeterW I haven't read much of this thread and haven't looked at the NHS page at all so the following are general comments...
Really just introduces the 10 papers published during 2023 as part of the Research Topic 'fatigue' Includes ME and non-ME fatigue), so nothing...
I had a quick look at the ALSUntangled website and I like the concept but doubt it would be the best use of scarce resources trying to translate...
Similar pieces also turned up on Newtalk ZB (interview) and in the NZ Doctor (article) I don't know why this is getting so much traction right...
In the comments I do admire CF's endurance, forever responding to this never ending stream of BS
Also from the same stable: Acetylcholine mediated vasodilatation in the microcirculation of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, 2003, Spence...
Much of the current characterisation of PEM is based on received wisdom, not actual data. So it's very reasonable to put some effort into checking...
I agree that PEM remains poorly characterised - and even more poorly operationalised. Even the peculiar delayed start/peak of symptoms - which is...
I figured one would need to be able to make a convincing case to get the go-ahead for bone marrow biopsies. I guess my question is more, is the...
I'm guessing that paywalled News & Views piece just introduces the 4 papers reporting the actual study findings. These are linked in post #3 above...
Bone marrow doesn't seem to have been looked at much in ME? Why is that? To my naive mind it would seem to be an obvious place to at least have a...
The Nature paper the above article is based on (plus links to the 3 companion papers all from the same study, published as a set). Have only...
For as long as we don't know if there are ME subtypes - and currently we have no idea - we need to think about ME in both ways. That is whenever...
Some technical issues: There's no final option to choose to submit or not, if you don't want to submit you need to bail out before clicking...
Is anyone aware of comparable - amyloid and/or some of the other findings in this study - pre-post-exercise muscle biopsy studies in overtrained...
Both true. Plenty of reports, yes, but they're typically vague and poorly characterised I don't think the term alcohol intolerance is helpful...
Ignoring all the nebulosity, is there any substance to their CD8 T-cell functional assay?
Separate names with a comma.