The inclusion of elite athletes as controls is interesting. I wonder why they didn't also include sedentary healthy controls?
It's reasonable to assume the dropouts were the most severe and, although the study still had 43 out of 149 (c. 29%) participants rated as severe,...
Lost count of how many times these and similar examples have been used as "proof" that a) the mind can cause symptoms and b) therefore the mind...
Getting your story out into the public sphere is important, thanks for your courage @Parsnip. I hope the act of writing it down together with the...
:rofl: I admit I have speculated about the possibility of giving ME plasma or blood to mice to see what happens but ignorantly assumed that they...
FSMC can be accessed here. Not perfect but better than some I've seen....
I interpret this as meaning that minor exertion induces PEM, and that with PEM your ability to do stuff is even less than usual (e.g. on day 2 of...
Nicely done programme. No breaking news or anything but I'm looking forward to the day when media representations of ME reach this level of...
So, only 13.7% of participants reported "new or non-typical" prodomal symptoms but they still had PEM just as often albeit milder. I wonder what...
This is from the study on females. I'm not sure I understand what they did. It sounds as if everyone who met ICC was excluded? If so the ME/CFS...
Could those ICF patients be undiagnosed ME/CFS patients? Either very mild cases, or early cases, or cases starting to recover? It's not like our...
Coincidentally I've just been thinking some more about the harm aspect and how poorly NEM understood it. In a previous post (#561) I noted how...
Very good news indeed. What a relief! The decision was unanimous, too. Good work, everybody who kept pushing for this to happen - thanks! Still,...
In principle I think it's a good use of a Fukuda cohort to split it into with and without PEM and see what differences there may be between the...
Big NZ GP education event. On top of the speaker list features a certain Dame :bawling::mad::banghead:...
Just stumbled across this. Haven't really looked into it but it looks like this device is being used in research in various brain diseases to...
Individual talks have been uploaded, list is here: Have listened to two: Whenzhong...
Video 3 (Anderson) is mostly about autism autopsies - but interesting if you don't know much about autism or want to learn a little about T-cells...
12 videos available, some but not all of them about ME. Van Elzakkers video is already discussed here:...
"Abstract We use publicly available data to show that published papers in top psychology, economics, and general interest journals that fail to...
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