Another word search, this time for 'scholarship' unearthed this in the 2023 report So in 2023 they had 7 applications for a total of 6...
Duh! Why didn't I think of that? :facepalm: Thanks for going through these. So that confirms they have been making donations I found this tucked...
I may be misremembering but doesn't Prof Tate always have ANZMES on the list of funding sources on his slides? Now you mention it, I don't think...
Thanks @Hutan. Excellent letter, too. Do you know what if anything came of the application? If you're not bound by any confidentiality...
Yeah, I noticed this, too. Speculating if the reason is lack of suitable applications. The ME research ecosystem in NZ is so limited there may...
So what would be the purpose of an ME patient registry in NZ, if it was similar to the Long Covid one? Identification of gaps in support in the...
I know this was a while ago but can you still recall or dig up, without going to too much trouble, what you wrote about establishing a patient...
part 2 part 3...
A misunderstanding here? I don't think anyone claimed "non-officer members would have to do a lot"? I understood member engagement to simply mean...
Looks like there's some movement on a possible NZ registry. ANZMES just put out a press release which briefly mentions the possibility of setting...
Press Release – ANZMES Awards $25K Grant and $10K in Scholarships to Advance ME/CFS and long COVID Research 2024 Doesn't say how many...
Some more info on the topic of trust vs inc soc that may be helpful (have only been able to skim) First, confirming that no, apparently there's...
Do you think you're reaching an audience outside our immediate bubble? You've created a valuable resource for advocates even if it never reaches...
Mainly about turning DSQ questionnaires into an online diagnostic screening tool. There's a link to it but I haven't tested it. The screenshots in...
Hearsay from someone who usually knows about these things (not ANZMES), I didn't check (and haven't been able to confirm any source since)...
Re ANZMES becoming a trust, I just learned that the new law for incorporated societies will require Societies to get a significant proportion of...
Prof Tate is moving department. I'm somewhat relieved it's only a move. Otago University has been on a ruthless cost cutting mission for a while...
I think a pause on this move to allow for more discussion would be appropriate and any vote should really include a vote on a draft trust deed...
I don't know what to think about this Clearly the current structure (Incorporated Society) doesn't work very well, on at least two counts 1)...
From an email ANZMES Special General Meeting & AGM on 2 November 2024 Special General Meeting part refers to
Separate names with a comma.