This thread is a valuable thought exercise even if it turns out to be impossible to agree on the ultimate list at this stage due to too little...
Highlighting some quotes I think are important - but also most at risk of being forgotten when considering models and unifying hypotheses. We can...
Another open question that would be important to answer: do the various manifestations of OI reflect stable patient subgroups or can they be the...
press release for World ME Day
The Press: Long Covid: ‘I don’t want to be stuck in this house anymore’
Is this website still being maintained and updated? Dr Vallings retired some time ago. Probably wishful thinking but if it is the case Dr...
That's a good idea in principle. Most people outside our circles don't think much about what BPS actually means - to be fair, academics have been...
Can't tell much from the abstract. Reading between the lines I'm guessing the cohort may just have been regular patients coming through their...
Undoubtedly. But I think it would be asking too much of a single measure to capture everything, let alone everything in detail. As a broad measure...
:hug: I suspect the people at Cochrane wished you hadn't bothered either... because their pathetic non-reponses seem to suggest they actually are...
Podcast: The Dissenter, episode 923, Nicholas Brown: How to Spot Bad Science Most of us here are all too familiar with poor science so not much...
The ALS fundraising had been on a steady upwards curve already for years before the ice bucket challenge. That challenge going viral very likely...
I'm sorry you've had criticism and stress for promoting this. I wonder if some of that criticism was a misdirected feeling of defeat by people who...
Picking on exactly 12 hours is indeed arbitrary. However, a delay in onset and/or peaking of a weird constellation of symptoms is common. There's...
To me it just means we don't know yet what these early symptoms are a manifestation of. Some or all could be part of PEM or they could be the same...
Fourthing? Quadding? Tetraing? Whatever, bloody well done @Simone!
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Being on the lookout for "early signs of overexertion" is sensible. I'm not advocating for ignoring or downplaying any sort of symptom, just for...
Re Workwell, I've never been able to get a clear picture of their view of PEM. They've done presentations that made me think they view PEM the...
Trying to get my head around to what degree the discussion about PEM and CPET is about semantics or differences in substance. I think what's...
Separate names with a comma.