When cases (per wastewater locally) are low, then I will linger in indoor spaces but with a mask. At the moment cases where I live (per...
What a confusion hodge-podge. Unhelpful.
Wow, the only problems with the study are a huge number of confounding variables, genetics, and inadequate subject population.
From: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/immuno.html "People Who May Get an Additional Updated COVID-19 Vaccine...
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/10/upshot/covid-pandemic-wave.html?unlocked_article_code=1.M00.EASq.lK3EiU2VLQkn&smid=url-share Detail about why...
I am not a huge fan of Topol's writings, but I admire his expertise. My son just contracted covid, for the first time. Very few people mask in...
@josepdelafuente From the Patient-Led Research Collaborative website referenced above, about Jarred Younger's project funding: "September 23,...
This FATIGUEWALK study is an offshoot (some of same authors) of the FIBROWALK study published 2022:...
by Ong, et al in Innov Aging. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10714916/pdf/igad070.pdf Five weeks of positive affect training vs a...
Ed Yong, New York Times Opinion piece 12/11/2023 "Reporting on Long Covid Taught Me to Be a Better Journalist" (temporary free-access)...
In order to cut costs, will the NHS consider chest pain to first be treated by emergency CBT or should I post this in the dumb question category.
https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/race-and-egfr-what-controversy Blacks in the US make up 35% of dialysis patients (13% of general US...
In the US, there is no patient database because our health care system is fragmented, no single payer, except for the Veteran's Affairs database,...
Yeah, but "patient report of memory problems" was better with LDN. Not objective enough.
Lee, Chen (2023) Myalgia! Where does it come from? Acta Neurol Taiwan (IF: -1) 32(4) 230-239 Abstract Myalgia (also called muscle pain or muscle...
Not exactly an "Aha!" medical minute.
Should have titled the research, Depressed FM patients' rumination vs distraction in recovery after physical exercise.
In scanning the full article, note that the recruitment of these patients were done by a rheumatogist AND a psychiatrist, so that depression and...
Nonsense. I have days when any movement around the house involves pain sensations all day. The pain sensing nerves are so abnormally sensitized...
Separate names with a comma.