Who are these 'groups' of which he speaks, if they are not patients? Sheesh.
Er, what? As Wonko rightly pointed out, nobody has had LongCovid for decades yet, so how can the two recovery rates be compared? This indicates...
Hee hee, I love that reply. Lots of good replies in that thread.
That was posted by Sten Helmfrid on Twitter - marvellous work!
He also supports Phil Parker, Henrik Vogt, everyone on the BPS/LP/'positive thinking cures illness' side of things. I'm blocked by him on Twitter...
Me too, I think The Universe must really not like me one bit. Was it something I said? I do try to be nice! His movements have been notably...
This is exactly what hit me too, about his recent public comments; he sounds like something out of The Secret. I haven't read the book but saw...
Donated. Thankfully they take PayPal, which is great for those of us who can't or won't use credit/debit cards online. Truly hope he meets his...
I never expected for a moment that there wouldn't be HUGE pushback, of immense resistance. It was depressingly predictable; too many careers and...
This is exactly what strikes me about him and also various others such as Rod Liddle, etc - why this obsessive fixation on ME/CFS? Why the...
None of my symptoms are recorded in my NHS medical records (from what I've seen by obtaining a copy of my notes), just a diagnosis of 'CFS' and...
I was able to see his account yesterday - just took a look and see he's now made his account Protected. So you have to send him a Follow request...
"But this article was sent to me. Thought it would be helpful post Covid" Sheesh. She really is taking the mickey now - she can not possibly...
Thanks, @Andy! I'll go and switch to them, then.
Ah, that's interesting, I had been supporting ME Research UK through Smile, which I'm guessing is a good choice, but I know more about the ME...
Yes, I remember the name was changed from ME to CFS here in the UK in 1996; here is a clip of a TV news report from the time. 'So it's goodbye...
Thank you for all your hard work in producing such a comprehensive write-up. As JemPD said, you are heroes! :emoji_trophy:
LOL, love this!! :rofl: (I am, well was, before illness, a classic car enthusiast, so can relate!) Yes, life-changing will most likely have not...
Wonderful to see it expressed in that way in an 'establishment' journal, instead of the usual framing of ME sufferers as anti-science militants!...
Hooray, this is the first one I've seen so far which doesn't have Alistair Miller rebutting it at the end. Kudos to the Telegraph for that!
Separate names with a comma.