No, no they're not, Dr Miller. Those 'therapies' were built upon a lie and a sham, a false psychiatric model of ME/CFS that there has never been...
What a great interview, good job both of you. And I love the T-shirt too!
I myself unfortunately don't have the necessary brain cells, but I've finally had a chance to watch the above-mentioned video and it's very good,...
Ah, I wondered where all the upvotes the video has acquired (and the couple of admiring comments that were there before they all got deleted) was...
I truly wonder how such a completely erroneous (except for the bit with Dr Holladay) article was allowed to be uncritically published? Claiming...
For some reason, I can't read it on the MSN website - I just get thrown to the site's front page instead of the article (could be because I have...
That's pretty much what my husband said when I showed him the video - he said she came across as weird/disturbed and that she appeared delusional....
I went there and gave it the vote it deserves. Not up to making a comment, too busy gagging at seeing this shameless BS again... :ill:
So very hard to choose; in the end I went with Jennifer Brea for the reasons given by others above - she is the most likely to appeal to the...
Yes, the link in this older post is still live:...
Congratulations! And thank you again for putting together a great science-based ME site! :thumbup:
Will do too. It'll be interesting to see if there are results we have in common, if they have any possible significance in ME.
Thanks for this info! Have just ordered the test kit. It is free after you put in the code, plus $19.99 shipping if you're in the UK which...
Excellent letter, really highlights the issues that needed to be raised re Crawley's lack of credibility such as her poor understanding of science...
I went and tweeted my 2 cents worth too, FWIW. I think promoting the game will only annoy sufferers rather than evoke a good reception from them,...
Sigh. As usual, it's all about 'tiredness'. I wish that folks who feel the urge to write about, talk about, or make games about this condition...
And interestingly, it's been re-titled "New Recognition for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" rather than the original title "New Recognition for Chronic...
Yes, that was basically my take on it too. I agree with the sentiment that everyone should feel valued whatever their disability. But the...
Strange article - makes some good points but, for me at least, impossible to relate to the sentiment that some disabled people don't want to get...
And if forcing ever-increasing exercise onto patients who have exertion intolerance as their main defining symptom isn't regulated (which I'm...
Separate names with a comma.