What shameless BS. By 'chronic fatigue', is she, as so many other BPs-ers do, using that as shorthand for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka ME/CFS? If...
The summary looks good - the author has ME herself and is aware of, and critical of, PACE and the BPS belief systems as regards ME, and she cites...
Having worked for the NHS for 15 years, I saw plenty of equally rude/unprofessional correspondence during that time - including ones to me or...
Yes, 100% spot-on as regards all three points. At the time, I didn't know who 'Simon Wessely' was, so I didn't know he was a psychiatrist. I did...
We're currently having a clear-out and packing in readiness for a house move, and among a bunch of old papers I found this copy of a letter from...
In my own n=1 experience, the only definition that makes sense to me is Ramsay's 1986 definition, which became the go-to definition after I got ME...
What on earth? Prof Malcolm Hooper and Dr Byron Hyde are long-established, well known biomedical, not psychiatric, ME researchers and advocates....
Yes, it was a new tweet of his that led me to that older one! He often tweets about his having invented pacing (and in this case, standing work...
Sorry to necro this thread, I just found out the name of the Australian man I mentioned in one of my posts on the previous page who claims he...
LOL! That's really the only purpose it has...
For anyone who, like myself, is unable to see the two embedded Reddit links above, I searched and found the thread, see if this works:...
No, no it hasn't. In fact the NICE Guidelines explicitly say not to use it on people with ME. What a shameless lie! How the heck did this pass...
Good clip, but yes, why on earth did they keep displaying 'CHRONIC FATIGUE' banners on the screen while verbally calling it ME?? It again...
You can 'Quote Tweet' such people's tweets, in which you state your views on the person's tweet. Then it's at least a sort of reply even though...
Same here, since having ME I feel more thirsty than previously, and have to 'go' much more often, and produce much more, than before. I wonder how...
This is such fantastic news! Really well-deserved (unlike, as mentioned above, some others in the ME field who harmed rather than helped and got...
Same as @Florence . The initial viral infection at first resolved and I seemed fully recovered, then suddenly a few weeks later the symptoms all...
Yes, the Nick Brown on the show is the data police guy, not the editor who published the SMILE trial! He's a member of this forum as @sTeamTraen...
Agree. Any doctor in this day and age who writes an article for the press which equates ME with 'or am I just tired', shockingly and wrongly...
Yes, that's the Witcher 3 long COVID mod. (In German, have to enable English subtitles if you don't speak the lingo!)
Separate names with a comma.