"APPG Report. Charles advised publication is due to be launched on May 25th at 1530 at Portcullis House, Westminster." I don't know anything...
Minutes from April Steering Group meeting: https://forward-me.co.uk/13th-april-2022/
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61255733 Seems that overnight the draft updated NICE guideline for osteoarthritis was published:...
I think you forgot the link. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/50-years-ago-psoriasis-cause-infammation-skin
I don't know enough about this area, but running a charity (The Optimum Health Clinic Foundation) alongside a LTD company (The Optimum Health...
This is Maes' (co-author) pet-theory for ME/CFS (and other chronic illnesses). He is simply applying it to LC now. Nothing but a hypothesis paper.
This year's IACFS/ME conference is in July. More here: https://www.iacfsme.org/2022-conference-main-page/ I would start a new thread, but it is...
This guy seems like a real dud.
Ok, I used the link in the post above and I can see the image now.
Yesterday, I sent the following email to GinP and the editor: Dear Gemma / Guidelines In Practice My name is Dr Dom Salisbury, and I’m a patient...
This paper (https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/healthcare/healthcare-09-01331/article_deploy/healthcare-09-01331-v3.pdf?version=1634002990) cites...
Please note that if this conference goes ahead, there may well be a significant number of presentations on long covid (specifically, I hope, on...
There are plans for an ME Research Collaborative (previously CMRC) conference later this year (September, if possible). We are currently putting...
Which begs the question: is the infection gone if you have long-covid symptoms and there is evidence of viral persistence in tissue?
They've now edited to: "This is different to "long Covid", where symptoms persist after the infection has gone." and linked to the NHS page for...
I thought that, but Perrin seems like small fry compared with the BPS lot. I have known about him for years and still can't decide if he has good...
A false statement that needs correcting. There is enough good evidence already that this is not the case in some patients.
Could we do a S4ME letter to editor and publisher?
There's a lot of dodgy stuff going on. In the current issue of the journal there are 4 papers, and 3 are by the same author, Adrian Heald, who is...
Separate names with a comma.