a) There's another process going on in you? b) Could instant muscle burning happen due to neuropathies (of whatever kind)? c) They're not...
It seems muscle weakness is a well-known symptom in neuropathies (especially (inherited) peripheral neuropathies) which includes fast...
I agree that medicine wants to give its best. It can't do wonders. But medical errors are about doing errors that could have been prevented if...
@Sisyphus, I can only refer to Germany where medical errors aren't recorded properly. E.g. there are ways to speak away a medical error, or just...
Do you know how it works biochemically? Let's say in high doses it promotes apoptosis (I'm just inventing) and in lower doses...?
I have to agree. Somehow this study makes me suspicious. This doesn't sound like a cardiopulmonary test at first glance. It leaves me confused....
In the mitochondrion signaling, many, many proteins and ions are involved - anywhere on that path, something can go wrong. There is signaling...
At least for AD (and I remember PD and ALS were also discussed), research of the past < 5 years hints at a role of ER calcium homeostasis, and a...
I react to sun light, or, more precisely, UV light, via eyes and skin. (It causes brainfog, disorientation, headache/migraines, a bit like PEM....
Thank you @dave30th! Always at the right time.
Maybe they're leaving their "unhelpful illness beliefs" behind and saddle up to "it's biological; AND CBT/GET help". Give them want they want -...
I have read a bit about fractalkine. Fractalkine seems to play a neuroprotective and an inflammatory role. Here,...
Does somebody know if Fractalkine was studied in ME? Edit: Found it. Sorry. Edit2: Jarred Younger looked at fractalkine?
I came across heat shock proteins, and found this interesting: https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.01267.2001
Thank you @Peter. I see my post was unclear. I mean why do think Yes, absolutely.
I never heard about that. Any links so that I can inform myself?
0,1-0,2% are crazy numbers? What would be more correct? And why?
I agree that 'stress' in the common sense of today (psychological stress) is not the root cause, which is my personal opinion. Klimas speaks of...
They had 200 volunteers. If they exclude up to around 70%, no wonder it gets difficult. Edit: One mustn't forget problems regarding travel. Most...
Maybe sleep dìsordered breathing is part of ME/CFS? Maybe those people shouldn't be excluded? ME/CFS is not a sleep disorder, the main symptoms...
Separate names with a comma.