I don't think I get puffy. I rarely look in a mirror, and if I do it's to look for something specific (pimple, scratch, etc) so I might not...
Someone pointed out that "brainfog" sounded like a trivial symptom. It really doesn't convey how much the symptom affects our lives, or the fact...
I expect that it does sound trivial to people who have never experienced it, or maybe had it briefly during a flu or whatever. However, like...
Drastic changes yes. Life does change. Just think of how smartphones has changed society in just a few years. AI and robotics will create major...
Darn, I was hoping to see some specific biological pathways, and pathways that were ruled out by prior studies. This seems more like a major...
I came across this article ( https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/10/241023130903.htm ) about the decision to eat being controlled by an...
My PEM from driving was much worse in bad driving conditions. Maybe my muscles were more tense, but I think it's more likely that the cognitive...
A lot of people ask what to do about one single symptom or response. I think that's a lot like asking "What should I get <person you don't know>...
There are a few people who have reported mild benefits from cumin; nothing like the 100% blocking of PEM that it gave me. There are threads about...
In another thread I said this: It's too bad our symptoms are so hard to clearly define. Otherwise we could build a database of specific symptoms...
The poll should make it clear that it's for ME pain or non-ME pain. None of the regular painkillers worked on my ME pain, but LDN did. Maybe two...
Looks good. We'll leave out the weird alternative methods that have strong vocal proponents but no clinical evidence.
That's good to know. I think I asked about deep sighing a few years ago, either here or on Phoenix Rising. I don't recall many "me too!"...
As best as I remember, (given ME), my cognitively-triggered PEM symptoms were the same as for physically-triggered. The main difference was that...
Cumin (cuminum cyminum) had that effect for me. At least I think it is still possible to exceed my threshold for physical exertion and trigger...
I tried all three, and acetaminophen was the most effective for me for pain (headache, injury). As with you, no effect on ME symptoms. I think...
Could they simply be measuring common "I feel lousy, life sucks" brain patterns? Effect, rather than cause, and possibly common in other...
Yes. That seems to be a word easy to not notice misspelling; just one little bar a bit higher. I found myself making the same mistake in another...
That really is a problem. It's the patient's responsibility to communicate all possible symptoms and responses to factors that might be useful in...
No mention of the neurotoxic quinolinic acid? They should also measure picolinic acid, which affects thyroid function.
Separate names with a comma.