Thanks. Sadly she's all too aware of the lack of interest. Usually this means she limits what she says as too many symptoms provoke incredulity ....
Thanks. It would be good to know how common it is and if it's a feature in conjunction with other things. Brain fog is getting worse at moment too...
Thanks . Daughter thinks it's random , but it's not been happening often enough to really be sure of that. Frequency seems to be changing though.
Do you feel there's any pattern to it? Is it when you've overdone it / are in a worse patch .... Or is it completely random ?
For the past year my daughter has had unnerving " lost time" experiences.. She' s adamant that she dosnt fall asleep but is unaware of time...
My daughter is scheduled for an endoscopy in April. This will be tricky to manage in energy terms - the info pack from NHS suggested this...
My daughter ' s rheumatology referral has finally got to appointment stage . She's very nervous . It's at 9am and her sleep cycle is between 5-6am...
Not off top of my head sorry. It may come to me later ( usually in wee small hours )
I may have picked it up wrongly, but I'm sure a recent study has been flagged up on S4ME with the same issues . It might even have been the same...
This is quite good re heme/ ferritin functions etc . Touches on inflammation, signalling etc. ETA low copper status affects ferritin formation ....
My aunt who is severely affected has humongous ferritin levels . No problems on iron panel and no haemachromatosis. Ferritin us an inflammatory...
I'm[MEDIA] Where are charities and press. This is horrific
Not circles again !
I'm working with a project team on a job , most of whom have had COVID . All are fine .... except those who ran regularly either don't at all or...
PEM affects gut here ( motility slows, food intake decreases but can have acute carb craving due to low energy state ) Gut key to providing...
Interesting - this stood out for me as glycolysis has been shown to be an issue "Nutrient stress due to glucose starvation demands a cellular...
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