Exactly. Apparently the idea that the precautionary principle could apply to exercise studies has completely eluded Søren Brostrøm and the rest...
So we were right all along. Sharpe was intentionally trolling patients on Twitter to try and make a case for himself as a victim of online ''abuse''
I agree completely. I always feel so awful with all the focus on ME/CFS, because Fibro deserves focus / research just as much. Hopefully this...
Rumors say the Danish Health Authority will be launching a counter offensive tomorrow. I expect things to get pretty ugly. Don't think anyone was...
Argh! Must have missed it, been so super tired! Will check it out :)!
There's been a lot of amazing ME/CFS coverage in Denmark for the past few days. I feel like it deserves a thread of its own. But I don't have the...
A lot of Danish patients think that treatment is available abroad, or that the situation is significantly better in other countries like Norway....
This entire thing is so bizarre.... and so terribly embarrassing. I mean, what does he even hope to achieve with this letter to the editor? Has...
Director of Danish Health Authority Søren Brostrøm Letter to the Editor Journal of Psychosomatic Research Topic is regarding the Danish approach...
Finally found this thread! Not sure if this is possible / ethical or whatever. But I would like to see a study with 3 different groups. A group...
Don't think there was any coverage, I personally didn't hear anything about this :/. Really wish I had.
A study on whether teenagers have mood problems? Would be like studying whether monkeys have tails.
Some of the Dutch CBT researchers used actigraphy frequently. They reach some bizarre conclusions when they have to rationalize that CBT...
She doesn't even have any sort of scientific background.. How can she possibly be qualified to give a lecture at the research seminar? Also isn't...
My understanding of biology is non-existent. But could the increase in brain temperature explain why so many of us feel ''feverish'' although our...
2300 is a lot. ME/CFS is still in its infancy. When trying to create more awarness / get more funding, every single dollar counts. Many thanks...
Sometimes I wonder if we are the same person Jaime. Sadly, for once, my Autumn / November magic has so far been absent this year. Slowly but...
Wow, it explains everything. But as someone without a background in the sciences. Why on earth was Cochrane ever considered the gold standard of...
This was really good. Thanks Brian :)!
I don't have the energy to read this properly at all. But I have just skimmed through it a bit, and every bit I have randomly come across is...
Separate names with a comma.