From an email update: a new board member for IACFSME: He sounds good, he has a son with ME/CFS. " Dr. Sigurdsson is a hematologist-oncologist...
The thing is, the effects of sunlight on skin appear to start with any exposure, even with just a few minutes of exposure, and there is a delayed...
I'm just going by what I and my son look like when in PEM, and the few photos I have seen of others in PEM. I'm sure about very little these...
People with PEM tend to have puffy faces, puffy eyelids. I am pretty sure that ibuprofen reduces my symptoms - and it reduces pain and reduces...
A minor point about how travelling in an ambulance might result in PEM (as mentioned in the first post): it is known that the vibrations of a...
I've just caught up with the thread. That Long Covid Advocacy piece discussed back a bit is very impressive. e.g
We have split off a discussion to a new thread in the Possible Causes and Predisposing Factor discussion subforum: Pre-existing mental illness as...
I think the heat maps with their clustering of participants are interesting. Fig 1: Long covid versus Healthy controls [ATTACH] Look how the HLA...
There's a paywall unfortunately. This is a team from Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale,...
:confused: It looks rather like people who have a job and have to get up in the morning are less likely to 'have depression'. And people who are...
Theory-organized: Model Introspection Self-organizing: General Population Model Performance That best model only had a sensitivity of 0.45...
Could be useful to have a look to see what they measured with respect to fatigue. The authors seem quite positive about the capacity for measures...
From Supplementary Data 1 - the exclusion criteria made it less likely for the ME/CFS participants to have a psychiatric history: So, I wouldn't...
Gosh, that was a roller coaster. Good, bad, ugly, confused... This Professor H. Prüß, what role does he have in the fatigue guideline he talks...
3.4 Differences in Hypothalamus Connectivity Between ME/CFS and Controls So strength of connectivity wasn't different. Reported confidence...
Brain imaging results are all over the place across various studies, as noted in the introduction of this paper. It's not clear to me how much...
It's not bad on this thread, for the reason MrMagoo notes :), but we have converted an existing thread into a place for wearables news: News on...
We have a number of threads about the underlying study: MSS3 See here Effectiveness of a symptom-clinic intervention ... multiple and persistent...
A QALY is a year of life lived in perfect health. The mean QALY difference was 0.0447. I make that 16 days. It is set up to be a one-off...
Separate names with a comma.