R. Cairns, M. Hotopf, A systematic review describing the prognosis of chronic fatigue syndrome, Occupational Medicine, Volume 55, Issue 1, January...
The full text will be made "Free in PMC on Dec 1, 2021; PubMed " Until then: https://sci-hub.se/10.1177/1742395318815965
PubMed author manuscript (free access): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6123286/
One of the largest companies of compulsory statutory health insurance in Germany, the 'Techniker Krankenkasse' updated their information about...
@Simon M -- I realize you are busy with the DecodeME study as much as your health allows.But I would love to see this on your or @dave30th 's...
Article in Springer Medizin Österreich by Karina Sturm: Karina Sturm: Chronische Erschöpfung ist so viel mehr als Müdigkeit | springermedizin.at...
If I remember properly the person in the video just read out the proposal? I think the most official explanation were these 2 Tweets:...
The study had no control group but the values for each parameter were compared to norm values used for laboratory diagnosis.
Lutz L, Rohrhofer J, Zehetmayer S, Stingl M, Untersmayr E. Evaluation of Immune Dysregulation in an Austrian Patient Cohort Suffering from Myalgic...
Carley ME, Chaparro LE, Choinière M, Kehlet H, Moore RA, Van Den Kerkhof E, Gilron I., Pharmacotherapy for the Prevention of Chronic Pain after...
Only had a cursory look at this and it doesn't give a good impression about the Cochrane board members' mediation skills. Anyway, I had wondered...
Or what about a sentence along these lines: As soon as they are fit to leave hospital, it is mandatory to consult with the patient whether they...
Have not read the paper, but in the summary people not admitted to hospital are cursorily mentioned: Community re-integration and rehabilitation...
(The original article dates back to April 2020 -- not sure if this deserves an own thread, but thought title and authors could be interesting.)...
Phillips M, Turner-Stokes L, Wade D, et al. Rehabilitation in the wake of COVID-19-A phoenix from the ashes. Br Soc Rehabil Med [Updated 2020 Apr...
Just had a look on how the corrections are taken into account on PubMed. This is the paper on PubMed:...
"His research includes gut neurophysiology and the study of the aetiology and management of functional gastrointestinal disorders of the upper and...
Unless they think motor fatigue belongs to the same type of disorder ... -- but maybe they do?
Forum thread here. Thread on the related editorial here.
Separate names with a comma.