A sympathetic piece - "Afflicted left me questioning a few things but not the people from the show." Includes added info from Bekahs brother...
In Norway, these kind of programs in a rehabilitation centre is pretty well known not to be actual treatment, but more of a course in managing the...
They do _not_ get to blame patients.....!! If he now wants to play the "ME and CFS are different"-card, then they activily lied to patients to get...
This bit, of all the things surronding these group of studies, is where I really lost hope in the establishments. It's right there, in the study -...
"So why are ME/CFS patients constantly accused of being anti-science and irrational and “vexatious” for not accepting findings produced by this...
Also how different cultures prioritise work vs free time. In Norway the general attitude (doctors and "the disability office" have told me this...
At 50 % and 25 % it can make sense, but then it gets weird? At 6 % you could go up to 1000 steps? And then at 3 % you're completly bedbound?...
"....it is with some relife that I learned you weren't a co-author." :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ehm... You, Sir, were paid to _produce_ this trash - so....?
It took a bit digging around to find out - someone asked the author in the end, to make sure. The paper was mainly based on personal blogs (so,...
It was a blog written by an underaged person, and not made anonymous enough in the paper so it got recogniced. That researcher used the word...
"Children trusted ... doctors ..."
"The same crap as always." <3
I actually think part of why the debate is so polarized in Norway is the focus many patients advocates have had on diagnostic criteria - we...
This. In Norway he is critized for using too lax inclusion criteria in his studies, as he is not using any established criteria, and therfore not...
ah - thanks, and agreed :thumbup: (google just wasn't helpful for me today :asleep: :confused: )
Sorry, I've got no idea what this means? :)
Avindra Nath: https://www.medpagetoday.com/neurology/generalneurology/71257
This enitre post by Leonard Jason, reflecting on how input from the patient community has guided his work over decades, and made it better -...
Separate names with a comma.