isn't this just a newer version of the Gerada/Chalder gaslighting poison the well video? Surely all of this is thinly veiled selling to doctors...
I’m in a similar boat of maybe look for another but if the three that one it’s just that it misses that it will be critiquing vs those people...
I don’t know if it’s just OI, or even within that term OI what I really mean I have as to why I need to lie down I do think my whole body is...
I probably should have underlined that this wasn’t just about liability but that one act removed ‘informed consent’ for patients because out...
I never knew why those sales spiel phrases about early diagnosis and intervention have always been the hard hitting one-liners used unless you...
And if there is a gate keeping issue going on
And I don’t want people with the BACME beliefs about us and requisite disrespect due to their misunderstanding abd ignorance near me or speaking...
They don’t use both because the whole aim of the change is to justify removing having to exclude these behaviours ‘being explained by a medical...
I’m glad someone in on the case with spotting this development and its dangers for fibromyalgia too I think that change to SSD not needing to...
Isn’t the problem with studies like this that it could just as easily be the opposite that they’ve found eg that whatever these women had was ‘the...
It would be interesting to talk to some with illnesses like MS where their fatigue has been lumped in as if like ours to actually find out...
That sounds about right to what’s been done to us as a world dystopia where our voice is now reworded. Hard to describe how everyday this...
Yes and they don’t seem to get there us fatiguability of body parts and talking and I’m pretty sure collapsing and OI worsening is more like...
In the sense it’s utter exhaustion I think people think that you can push thru it but they don’t get there is a point where you actually not only...
Interesting there are a heck of a lot of staff listed - only ONE is in dermatology I don’t know about the chief investigator is head of this...
Yes cfs sounds like an issue of ‘pushing through/mojo’ vs what you might see in those who aren’t severe or in PEM at home is the ‘seem normal’ and...
agreed this has just reminded me that even many years ago I used to have to re-read paragraphs as I realised depsite having spent the requisite...
This thinking is clear and good to hear. The point about the objective outcome measure being a major hurdle is useful insight. I'm currently...
It’s worrying what a political construct / initiative it seems to be in how its run and hierarchy (and how it’s assessed and what it even thinks...
That sounds pretty dangerous to me because it’s … well a different word from disability discrimination but beyond insensitive and when you add it...
Separate names with a comma.