The tweet would have been helpful if he had replied to the twitter account attached to the organizer. As it is right now it may well not be seen...
There is a world web based conference tomorrow and Thursday, discussing Long Covid. I would have loved to attend but it will be 3 AM where I am...
it is not recommended to get a vaccine if you have an active infection, even if it’s a cold.
Well, the last 2 sentences are worth it to me, as this is now part of scientific literature. This work needs to be done. While it may not bring...
This thread reminds me that it would be nice to have a drug trial going or at least in the works.
I wonder what the group of physicians who got long COVID and wrote a letter to editor in a sci journal would have to say about this article? Would...
Here is what the first 2 sentences say, under ‘background’: occasionally affects the lives...? Oh really? And the list of symptoms... cervical...
A hot mess?
I attended a presentation last year at a university, and the researcher lamented that with 50 millions funding for dementia, they could’t do much....
I am not sure the word is allowed but i will try... why are these people allowed to bullshit like this? Don’t they know that a minute change in...
It reminds me of this paper: I am not exactly sure how the results...
This showed up on my twitter stream: [MEDIA] Moderator note: This has been posted and is discussed here:...
These treatments would be offered off-label by specific doctors, under the right circumstances. Here in Canada, there is a much tighter...
Who knows whether it is available for clinical use? Would like to bring this article to the attention to @Jonathan Edwards to the new paper. I am...
The antinuclear antibody dense fine speckled pattern and possible clinical associations: An indication of a proinflammatory microenvironment...
i think that amino acid utilization is interesting and may be providing clues as of what is going on in the muscle cells (albeit in vitro). But i...
Nice to see that Jonathan Kerr is still in the field. I worry about the focus on psychological stress.
I agree with you @Forbin. Back in the early days, because i was believed to be lazy and faking illness for secondary gains, i went for a run as i...
Dr Hanson part 3 [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.