Our loss, their gain, but even the 6 months of cover was SO worthwhile. ..... It's a model, now tested and one to build on!
Hi A and S and young patient on GDC. Wondered if the committee is now complete as I believe the GDC met on the 29th March? I do hope the vibes...
Might be worth a look.......? http://www.nhshealthatwork.co.uk/news-bulletin.asp?info=bulletinApril19 The next edition will be circulated on 8th...
Merged thread https://www.medicalindependent.ie/its-all-in-the-mind/?fbclid=IwAR3ZCLjpUeBaLfMdn554wSMB0wRi_p6wnyzz_ncYxvjWXnD38tFFQ7Rt03Y This is...
Don't apologise. We are will with and are very grateful for your support and professionalism. I will get my cheque book out!
Well. this is ironic! "outcome switching"......or "moving the goal posts' https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0003jhq [IMG] Inside Health Moving...
Fat chance! Suffolk CCGs this week......https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/suffolk-ccgs-improving-access-to-psychological-therapies-1-5955640...
I take the point but it was generated elsewhere and I did not want to rewrite or alter text without consent. I like the basic concept but maybe we...
That's why we emphasised it in our stuff for GP education. [ATTACH]
I agree with Jonathan's point- GPs should know this is a hallmark feature/symptoms. That's why we emphasised it in our stuff for GP education.
https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l962?fbclid=IwAR3fqXGMTWXzJUb6oBDXmfVlpfSKBEPDJH2n2tBu7PaSzQMb-VUJSJrmhlc Conclusion Findings suggest that an...
I wrote on Facebook; If an adolescent DID NOT have 'negative thoughts' coping with 'CFS' or 'cfs' ... (I believe that is of significance), I...
......and let's not forget this furor... says, Richard Horton, "The BMJ recently ran a vote on bmj.com to identify the “top 10 non-diseases.”1...
Its interesting fact that Mark Baker told me in January 2018 at the engagement meeting, that only two NICE Guidelines have ever been reviewed and...
Miles Davis described "Django" as one of the best compositions ever, and in their book Clawing at the Limits of Cool, Salim Washington and Farah...
Wessely at least has a good taste in music! Perhaps the ME community should adopt this as their new mantra? Think (My bold) Aretha Franklin You...
Have had a reply from one who might be persuaded. I suggested they contact Jon Edwards and David T who's contact details I forwarded.
Some solidarity here...
My post about him is above. Contact Editorial: Jerome Burne editor@healthinsightuk.org Media & further information: Gillian Waddell...
Separate names with a comma.