But, GP UPdate/Red Whale (or is it "Red Herring")? GP UPdate/Red Whale is a private Company, the "public face" of our privatised health system...
Let's not forget that ME impacts on the hormones endocrine system and HPA access. This undoubtedly lowers anyone's capacity to deal with...
If you didn't talk about it and focused on other things, you would be accused of,"Persuasive Refusal Syndrome"....really, the patient is damned if...
I have also alerted David Tuller about this.
I am still on the case but it's hard going! I did alert NICE to the "anomalies" both in January and the May Scoping meeting. Trouble is, I can get...
Amy, my condolences and my sympathy for you and the family having to deal with all this stress and "stuff' at a time where you should have time...
Oh dear you poor thing........ my one is no better Tory doctor Desperate Dan..... also once a minister who stated untruths about children and ME...
Interesting Natalie-as someone with out ME- but a stressed"Eric" carer " of 2 with it, I have/had extremely thick hair all my life but also...
1. My Localme one; 2. VIRAS who are also on S4ME:...
Just read VIRAS submission. Fantastic! Good to see you went straight for the jugular.
We have accepted this to be an awareness and raising the profile exercise. It certainly departs from the New Service Spec which was signed off...
I was at both January "Engagement" and May "Scoping" NICE events and I can assure you that I raised this very point! BUT, there was only the...
Actually, we have pushed for the Canadian Criteria/Consensus for years and that's referenced on the Service....
Dr Terry Mitchell used to prescribe Melatonin when he had a drugs budget! He recommended it when he lost his prescribing rights due to PCT...
Maybe this has something to do with it.... Read it and weep. This NHS Choices...
Please look him up- I am surprised that you know so little -about what has been going on recently with Dr Nacul and the LSHTM...........
It's about power and that ECCH are a Private limited company who answer to Company House NOT US!= NHS privitisation (Dpt of Communities & Local...
It's all about costs unfortunately.........
This is because the arrangement is essentially "a fudge"...... Suffolk Clinical Executive have clipped the wings of the commissioners and us and...
Separate names with a comma.