Emily also has 'Sharpee Syndrome'....prone to block unwelcome tweets and cannot discuss genuine concerns raised....
For Advocates, (especially formal or paid ones) surely the first requirement is; Are we talking Advocates or advocates? When dealing with...
:emoji_clap: So sorry to hear of your loss, and sympathies over the pressure you are under; it makes the project all the more special and powerful.
1 remember finding this very useful. Carol Sieverling Carol Sieverling of the CFS & FMS Support Group of Dallas-Fort Worth wrote this article...
We would be happy to upload these to our GP Training Resource page and material? GP Awareness http://nandsme.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_23.html 1....
Will do. Thanks!
Thanks Natalie. We had an event on the 11th September where ME and CFS training was on the agenda. I heard late in the day from Shelley Mitchell,...
I too am delighted to have these short sharp and snappy.... pithy too! Will suggest that Suffolk GP 'Down Day' and Training consider applying for...
Some very useful comments and observations here. I would like to add a few more from our experience Suffolk with Dr Nacul....
Initiative ended in a report - then preceded CureMe Biobank and LSHTM involvement.
Not Healthwise Adam, Healthwatch. Trafford...
http://nandsme.blogspot.com/p/patient-survey.html All Party Parliamentary Group on ME In March 2010 part of our survey was included in the...
http://nandsme.blogspot.com/p/patient-survey.html Survey [MEDIA] Evaluated by leading ME researchers and doctors; Dr Pheby, Dr. Derek F. H....
Interesting tweet...perhaps we should send it to Bath....... Marcus Munafò Retweeted [IMG] Guillaume Rousselet @robustgar · Aug 29A reminder that...
Actually, I found the booklet quite 'neutral and uncontroversial! It is better than I was expecting.....
10 years ago......... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/6691695/Ban-chemical-linked-to-cancer-in-baby-bottles-campaigners.html "In a...
I asked the awkward squad question on public confidence and contaminated blood N V CJD.......... Correction 1 05 into session!...
A big thanks to MEA and especially to Russ..... Have sent to my son, now 35 and has been grappling with this 21 years. You have articulated so...
He was a neighbour wrongly diagnosed with ME. Double double, toil and trouble, round about the cauldron go. In the crushed brains and spinal cord...
Separate names with a comma.