Am I missing something? I fail to see where exactly the "C" from CBT comes into play, or which dysfunctional beliefs/cognitive distortions are...
Yes. They worked closely together with the UK group, and helped build the illusion of a foundation under their pet theories, both by creating lots...
Ok, so this *points up* wasn't true, given Bleijenberg's past and interests. It was an excuse. Bleijenberg was already doing behavioral treatments...
I think that might be a good idea, also because their ideas seem to sprout almost fully formed as a whole into being. There seems to be a distinct...
May 30th 1991, Patient Care (journal that went to 115,000 clinicians): The article Tips on chronic fatigue syndrome, by Buchwald, Gantz, Katon...
R.E. Kendell, Chronic fatigue, viruses and depression, Lancet, 19th of January 1991 Referred to in newspaper Trouw of 9th of February 1991: Note...
Peter Manu, together with T.J. Lane and D.A. Matthews, wrote a piece called "The frequency of the chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with...
From the book Osler's Web by Hillary Johnson, Ciba Foundation Symposium 173d, summary. Page 571 The Ciba Foundation was an independant academic...
It's not very long/much, but (when I have the spoons) I'll try to summarize it to be on the safe side. :thumbsup:
Osler's Web also has two parts about the Ciba Foundation Symposium, and the contempt they had for CFS (pages 571 and 588). I'll see if I can get...
The Lancet article of the 19th of January 1991 was a direct influence on Wesseley and Sharpe's dutch co-author and colleague Bleijenberg. Although...
That part was, well, I wanted to say a particularly nasty bit of the article, but the whole thing is quite vile. I didn't even read it as...
It's important to realise that that's not what they're doing. This article is basically a PR piece, a commercial for their "product" disguised as...
Funny you should mention that, as their description in the newspaper sounded a bit like my own mono experience when I was 15. Stretcher in the...
Yes! Trouw, 24th of april 2003. The link: Vergelijk jezelf niet met vroeger | Trouw I can't seem to get it through the translation site. So I'll...
Argh, I accidentally deleted the whole bit I typed.:facepalm: Well, let's try that again. Yes, I completely agree. That's why I used the...
Thank you all for your replies. For me this confirms what I already was pretty sure of: that there is no official research claiming such...
@dave30th and @Michiel Tack , you might find this of interest, from the early days of the Dutch "CFS expert" group: Het Parool, 22nd of July...
Hello everyone, I'm doing some research which may or may not lead to writing an article. When reading old newspaper articles from The...
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