Have you seen this thread...
Thank you for your efforts on this @chillier
The therapist is being paid byt the hour so it's definitely worthwhile for them
[MEDIA] This video explains how the universities in Northern Ireland will introduce ME education. Rather than just education for every doctor,...
@chillier Great idea. What size is your poster?
https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201701-014FR A review of exercise testing in metabolic myopathies.
@Jonathan Edwards Would BMA ever have the guts to issue an unambiguous statement that urgent biomedical research in to post viral illness is...
75% of doctors are not suffering mental health problems in this survey so what are they going to be offered?
I would be happy for a neuropsychiatrist who was interested in PHYSIOLOGY of the brain to be interested in ME.
A teenage girl in the UK is dying from bone cancer because the teenager had her back pain dismissed as mimicking her mother's back pain.
[MEDIA] How medical education on ME will be introduced to both universities in Northern Ireland.
I've just seen an advert for Decode on the Belfast Live feed.
There will be a DECODE ME stand at the Hope 4ME conference for health professionals in Belfast on may 12th. There are flyers in information packs...
"Recent research on the GDF15–GFRAL axis has focused on its anorectic action and suggests that it acts as a mediator of the physiological...
Here's the link to the series of webinars from September 2021 https://view.pagetiger.com/me-fibro-webinars/1 I think that this one will be...
For may 12th there is a conference on the NICE guidelines with input from the medical directors of both universities....
Caroline Kingdon has been asked to give another webinar on severe ME at the clinical education centre for nurses and allied healthcare...
@dave30th as a fellow of DWME can you raise this point with them as well as the fact that Jonathan Edwards testimony is universal, not just...
Or ME Research UK. They would need £60,000 per annum to cover all costs
Agree @Peter Trewhitt
Separate names with a comma.