This post has been moved from news from New Zealand and the Pacific Islands GP Dr Cathy Stephenson presented to the The Royal New Zealand...
It is listed today on their website
MECFS Canterbury has coordinated a series of events in Christchurch for Dr Lynette Hodges from Massey University later this month. Full Details on...
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) General Practice Conference in Wellington started today, and the M.E. Awareness NZ...
Cathy Stephenson GP, is presenting at the RNZCGP GP21 conference on Saturday, 7th August, 11:40 am. Wellington, "From harm to help - promoting an...
Campbell Murdoch, retired GP, is presenting at GPCME South (General Practice Conference and Medical Exhibition) in Christchurch on August 22nd. 12...
The Science Media Centre (NZ) has published an expert reaction article (6th july) about Andreas Goebel et al study 'Passive transfer of...
New ten minute interview with Dr Ros Vallings on CFS and risks of covid vaccine. Includes introduction to CFS....
It looks like we have an Australian CPD /education provider for health professionals operating in NZ. They published an online CPD (worth 4 mins)...
Has anyone taken a look at this beta app from a team in Australia? It is still in development....
Another longer item (31 minutes) from Clare Concannon, Radio NZ, Our Changing World, about ME/CFS and Prof Tate's research & team....
Apparently there will be an interview on Radio NZ's Our Changing World, this Thursday with Prof Warren Tate from Otago and some of those with...
An interview with Kate Duder, Vice President, from ME Auckland was shared on Radio NZ, First Up, today....
Article & video in NZ Herald today (Bay of Plenty Times) for ME Awareness Day. Funded by NZ on Air. Organised by Complex Chronic Illness Support...
This article from David Tuller is noted elsewhere in this forum. But worth including in this thread....
I just mentioned in...
Unforuntately, this article has made it into the weekend The Press in Christchurch, NZ (in the Your Weekend insert). Under "It's all in your...
The first module has been back up for about a month. And the new second module has just been published....
Primary & Community Care: "Over the next...
Separate names with a comma.