I found some useful guidelines for journalists to assess 'scientific evidence' here... https://www.sciencemediacentre.co.nz/coveringscience/...
Some good news... The Massey University Foundation has set up an option on their donations page to allow people to donate to Dr Lynette Hodges...
https://www.bio21.unimelb.edu.au/nhmrc-funds-bio21-research Edit: OMF article on the involvement of Chris Armstrong...
Apologies for the late notice... All are welcome to ME Auckland's online AGM tomorrow (Sat, 10th Oct 1:30pm), that will include a presentation by...
Just an update on this. The first module has been pulled offline while Module 2 is in development. I understand that the plan by Emerge Australia...
I haven't found a link in the forum to the 'New Free Leaflet: The ME Association Guide to Post-Covid Fatigue Syndromes and Post-Covid ME/CFS' so...
Item available here (with some additional info in the accompanying article)....
Louise Thornley has written another article for RNZ on Covid-19 and relates this to PEM in ME. "Gez Medinger used to run 90kms every week. Now...
Louise Thornley has written a comment piece for Radio NZ on Covid-19 long haulers, the possible explanations of post-viral syndrome or ME, and the...
Just a heads up that this course has moved. URL is now https://neusha.org/index.php/online-course-overview/?exam_id=1409
From a member of M.E. Awareness NZ... "There's a story about Covid long haulers in NZ coming up on Radio New Zealand's Afternoons show (Jesse...
M.E. Awareness NZ has been in touch with Prof Tate to congratulate him on his 'retirement', and enquire about the future of the research into...
The Herald also picked up this story. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12353082
A NZer has reached out for advice on challenging their Insurance company's request that they use GET and CBT for a period. Are there any threads...
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission is reviewing the Health and Disability System Review final report released today. "Disabled people have...
M.E. Awareness NZ has announced that the team at NZ Doctor have given them permission to share the pdf for the article on their website. You don't...
Actually I haven't read the book. I was just reporting that another member of M.E. Awareness NZ had, and had organised the interview on the RNZ....
News from a member of M.E. Awareness NZ... On Tuesday, 9th June, RNZ's Nine to Noon show will be interviewing US author Sarah Ramey (at 10.05)....
Cort's write up of Angus Mackay & Prof Tate's hypothesis around a dysfunctional hypothalamus has been shared in another thread, but I thought it...
Latest from M.E. Awareness NZ... *CME NEWS*: For Doctors and other medical professionals in New Zealand supporting patients with ME. M.E....
Separate names with a comma.